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Monica provided the best beach Mark has ever been to. It was one of his favorite places to be, not to mention the awesome rides provided on the boardwalk. He adored roller coasters and crazy rides, although there weren't many in Santa Monica. There was, however, a Ferris wheel. Even though he had a fear of heights, he loved the view they allowed for him to see. There was nothing better than seeing Santa Monica in all its glory around noon just as the sun began to set.

Mark shuffled on his bright green and white towel, making himself comfortable atop the pale sand. The sun warmed his cheeks and his skin, causing him to smile at the amazing feeling. He loved the sun, not more than he loved the moon however, but the sun was one of his most favorite stars. The sun is not a planet. It's a large, hydrogen filled star composed of plasma. He used to have to remind Jack of this every time he would exclaim;

"I LOVE the sun! It's my favorite planet!"

He never listened though, claiming that the sun was the biggest planet of them all, and sometimes Mark would just let him win. He liked watching Jack's face light up happily when Mark gave in, his baby blues shining happily up at him.

Mark squinted his eyes under the brightness of the sun, his thoughts causing him to frown. He missed Jack, although he hated to admit it. Even if he did have feelings for him, Jack would always be his very best friend. He had helped him through so much, and now that he was gone Mark felt empty. He faked smiles for Felix, because that's what he needed to see, but Mark was still breaking on the inside.

How one person could make you feel like absolutely nothing and yet everything at the same time, Mark couldn't understand. But that's what Jack did. Just the thought of him could brighten up his mood but break his heart at the very same time. Mark didn't know what to feel, and his conflicted aura wasn't providing the old Mark that Felix wished to see once more. But he couldn't help it.

He hadn't been the same since Sean left him high and dry, how could he? Mark loved him like a brother. Jack was his only close family, really. Sure, Mark still had his step mom, real mom, and actual brother, but they weren't Sean. And for some reason he's the only one that took top priority. Jack was seemingly Mark's only care and it worried him more than he'd like to admit.

"Mark?" He lazily brought himself to look over at Felix who was sprawled out comfortably on his own beach towel, "You okay?" Mark just nodded, trying his best to not let his eyes linger on Felix's bare chest. For a guy who played video games all the time he had quite the body, Mark did too, but that's only because he refused to skip his daily work out.

Jack used to work out with Mark every morning, his hair sticking to his forehead, baby blue eyes concentrated intently on his count, his muscles straining beneath his damp tee. Mark fought the blush creeping onto his cheeks and shook his head. He had never thought of Jack that way, he sat up and raked a hand through is hair.

What was he feeling? He was still upset, and feeling more depressed than he would've liked. But he was also a bit happy. How can a person possibly be happy and sad at the same time? Maybe he had split personality disorder, that he could understand.

"Mark," Felix called out and Mark turned his attention to his friend who now also sat up. "Why are you doing that?"

"Doing wha-wait," Mark's eyes had found where Felix was staring and his jaw fell slack a bit.

Felix grabbed Mark's wrist hesitantly onto his lap, tracing the red streaks of irritation carefully. "Why did you do this? Do I have to get you help, Mark? Do you need medical attention because if this is much more serious than what-" Mark snatched his wrist back and studied his own arm. He hadn't even realized he was doing it, he ran a finger over a line and winced as it stung. The scratch marks were so evident that the showed prominently against his caramel colored skin. The pain was also somehow...satisfying and that confused him even more.

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