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Was laughing. He was laughing at Mark. He was laughing at Mark because Mark was stress crying. And for some strange reason, Mark was laughing as well. He was laughing through his tears, he looked stupid, but he was happy.

"You're such a little bitch!" Felix barked, laughing so hard that his face began to redden.

Mark removed his glasses from his face, wiping at his eyes, "Shut up, you're supposed to feel bad for me!"

"I can't!" Felix shook his head, his smile wide, "You're crying because-"

"Shut up!" Mark grinned, shaking his head. "Listen-" Felix laughed harder, interrupting Mark's sentence, but soon Mark was laughing as well. New tears formed at his eyes, but these of joy.

Felix beamed at Mark through the screen, his eyes bright as he sobered up from laughing. He leaned up to the screen, his hair wild from running his hands through it. Mark smiled back, and it was such a natural response. Such a smile that he hasn't been able to share with Jack for the longest time.

It's been a month.

One month.

"Okay okay," Felix stretched his arms over his head, "So, you watched Nemo, and..and-" He laughed once more, his hands gripping at his stomach.

"Can I finish?" Mark chuckled, his cheeks hurting from smiling so wide.

"Yeah yeah, hold on, lemme mute myself." Felix clicked something on the screen, then began to speak. No sound escaped and so Mark threw him a thumbs up. Felix rested his face between his hands and waited patiently, Mark shook his head but continued regardless.

"So I watched Nemo, right?" Felix nodded, "Right so...you how Nemo gets lost and his dad is like 'oh my son'?" Felix covered his mouth with his hand, obviously laughing. Mark ignored him, "Well, I don't know...it reminded me of Jack and I-" He looked up at Felix, he looked like he was gasping for air, like Mark's story was so funny that he had trouble catching his breath.

"I'm like Marlon, the dad. And Jack is Nemo, well that's how I saw it. So when Nemo touched the boat-"

"The butt." Felix corrected, taking himself off of mute just to say so.

"Yeah, the butt." He rolled his eyes, "When Nemo touched the butt he got taken away. And then he disappeared and all of a sudden he ended up in this shitty dentist office. And then that bitch, Darla fucking ruined everything...you know, she should've been taken out right there, I was so mad Felix and-"

"Get to the point," Felix interrupted and Mark stopped rambling, took a breath, and then started again.

"Anyways, I feel like Marlon, ya know searching for Nemo. But Nemo is gone. He has a new group of friends and a new care taker..." Mark's heart began to hurt once more, and he felt so stupid. He wanted to cry again, but didn't want to deal with Felix laughing at him.

"So, you see yourself as Marlon," Mark nodded, "And Jack as Nemo?" Mark mumbled the faintest yes. "So, your problem is you want to be Jack's dad."


"His daddy, you want to be the daddy of Jack. You want him to call you big papa, senpai, sir, daddy, fath-"

"Felix!" Mark covered up the speaker even though no one was around to hear him. "N-no shut the hell up! You know I-I'm like his brother. Do you know what that is?"

"You're blushing, though."

"So? Why wouldn't I? You..you just said that I-"

"You like dick Fischbach?" Felix asked bluntly and Mark choked on his spit. His eyes burned from coughing and his lungs felt like he just got punched.

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