Chapter One: The Prophecy

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"Bella, please, try to be reasonable", Dumbledore begged, "she's your daughter, you can't really be considering this."

"My loyalties lie with the dark lord", she told him, if I had known that you were -"

"I didn't know you were a follower of Voldemort either", Dumbledore replied, his tone remaining calm.

Bellatrix shifted uncomfortably in her St Mungos hospital bed. Her large baby bump was sticking up obviously underneath her dark wizard robes. The two remained silent, both deep in thought. It was only recently that the prophecy had come to light. As soon as they'd heard of it the two of them realized their terrible mistake. At any minute now Bellatrix would have a child who would be able to control the fate of the entire wizarding world.

"What use will this baby be to the dark lord?", Bellatrix asked Dumbledore.

"Bella", Dumbledore breathed, "please think carefully about this. She is still your daughter, you cannot really be considering ending the life of your own newborn child?"

"A daughter who has the power to end the reign of my master", Bellatrix told him. She rubbed her baby bump deep in thought. Her relationship with Dumbledore had been kept secret for months. Dumbledore chose not to respond, he knew he needed to save his daughter's life.

"No one can know that she is ours", Bellatrix said, looking straight at Dumbledore, "if I chose to keep her. No one can know."

"Of course", Dumbledore agreed. He knew that many wizards would fear his daughters birth for many reasons. If she was the child of the prophecy her life would be in constant danger from fearful wizards, looking to take fate into their own hands.

"I have to leave", Bellatrix decided, she used her arms to push herself off the bed. Despite the tremendous pain she was in, she managed to stand.

"You can't leave now", Dumbledore said, "the baby is going to be born any minute."

"I think I'm more than capable of handling a baby", she told him.

With those words, she spun on the spot disappearing away from St Mungo's hospital. Dumbledore sighed in defeat and travelled back to Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.

Once he felt his feet his the stone floor of his office he walked over to his large oak desk and sat down on the chair behind it. Resting his head in his hands he mulled over his options for his next move. He couldn't let his daughter die. The portraits of previous headmasters and mistresses that were on the walls around him were whispering eagerly at his sudden return. 

"Severus", he called.

Out of the shadows, the tall dark-haired figure emerged.

"What has happened?"

"Bellatrix is gone", Dumbledore informed him, "I believe there is enough doubt in her mind that she will decide the child's fate after birth. This means you still have time to convince her that my daughter should live."

"Perhaps", Severus began, "it would be better if the child were to die. If it is powerful enough decide the victor of the war..."

Dumbledore sighed, "I know the risks, Severus. But she's my daughter, I can't have her life cut short unfairly."

"I understand", Severus said.

"Call a meeting", Dumbledore instructed him, "get others to convince her to keep my daughter alive."

Severus nodded and swept himself out of the room. He used the dark mark on his left arm to summon the other death eaters to Malfoy Manor. This was the usual place for their meetings as it contained a long and dark oak wood table, with enough room for all the death eaters to sit. 

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