5|Laurance's Heart|

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Minor Tigger warning bahhww< wtf why did I put that. Smh Old MALMU you crazy

But yeah there was supposed to be a lemon.... but i moved it oops


He said there will never be another one. Lied.
He said I was the only one. Lied.
He said he cared. Lied.
He said it will be forever. Lied.
He said I was perfect. Lied.

He said he LIKED me. Lied. Lied. Lied. Lied. Lied. LIED.

I breath and put my head in my arms. I feel for my best friends boyfriend. A cheater. A liar. Dante said they broke up. I am so confused.


Laurance he is gone. I had feeling for him not Dante. I am such a fool. I did him wrong and Garroth let me.

"A-Aaron you o-okay" Garroth asks me. I feel horrible I was supposed to get back at Dante and Garroth. I didn't have feelings for him now I do.

"I-I-I have to go" I run outside to my car. I jump in and ride home in tears. I lost Dante and Laurance. I have to text Laurance and Dante.

I park my car I decide to stay home for the rest if the day.

Aaron's phone POV

(Babe🔥💕= Laurance)
(Me= Aaron)

Me: Hey Laurance can we talk
Me: please I know your mad please answer me
Me: Laurance please I know your here
Me: Laurance please
Me: Laurance I do like you
Babe🔥💕: leave me alone saron i don't want to talk to you
Me: I am sorry I made a mistake I want you back
Me: PLEASE I know I messed up
Babe🔥💕: how could you say that your a liar you're a cheater why are you still talking to me talk to dante
Me: Laurance I messed up I swear
Babe🔥💕: i don't care you should have thought about that before you cheated on me
Me: I know I know
Me: I messed up it was a mistake
Me: Can you please forgive me
Babe🔥💕: No Aaron I am not even mad this haapens to me a lot no one likes me except my true friends
Me: I do Laurance I really do I just made a mistake
Me: I swear I do
Babe🔥💕: No you don't your a cheater and lie
Me: Laurance I can change I swear I can

Aarons pov

I feel my self start to tear up. I just don't know.

Babe🔥💕: Aaron I don't want to be together... yes I'm breaking up with you
Me: Laurance can you come over so we can talk
Babe🔥💕: Why
Me: We need to talk in person please
Me: Can you some tonight my parents aren't home
Babe🔥💕: Sure whatever I'll be there at 9:00
Me: Thank you so much
Me: Bye
Me: I love you

Aaron POV

He didn't respond I just look at the read sign.

I really want my friends back I don't know anymore... who are my friends

Laurance POV

I cried and cried til I heard someone ring the doorbell. It was Garroth.

"wha..." I was cut of by Garroth kissing me. I was in shock. He wrapped his arms around my waist.

I didn't kiss back.

Could I really like Garroth after all these years. He kisses me more passionate. I melt into the kiss. He pins me against my wall and I moan.

"G-Garroth what a-are y-you d-doing here" I ask him.

"I like you Laurance I always have" he said looking into my eyes. I give a slight smile.

"Garroth I still have feeling for Aaron I am sorry I just..." He cuts me off buy biting my neck. I moan.

Garroth is so cute his blonde hair and cyan eyes.

"Laurance I have felt this way about you for so long I just had to tell you by not telling you" he said holding my face. I push him away and sigh.

"I have to meet Aaron in a few" I tell him to leave he has his head down.

"Garroth I have to think about this" I said as he leaves my house.

I like Garroth I really do. I like Garroth. He loves me I love him.

Garroth I love you do you love me too..

Then I wake up... what?

Me... what... why did I dream that

Aarons POV

My love life is trash... just like me

Laurance is such a sweet boy and I would never hurt him again. I honestly like him so much i cant let go.


i decided not to double up on chapters and do a chapter at a time
So more chapters will come out quicker.

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