hi ♡

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Hey there,

I want to start off by saying that although sometimes it feels like we'll never grow up and leave school, we will and the time to go will come in the blink of an eye, so enjoy yourself and don't take anything too seriously. Except maybe your grades, but remember that while your grades are important, your mental health is a lot more important than school will ever be.

With high school quickly coming to an end for me, I feel like I'm qualified (technically not actually qualified) to talk you through the highs and lows of it and even give you a few survival tips I've learnt throughout my years of schooling. Don't roll your eyes and close this book yet though, I won't be talking just about school. 'Growing Up' will contain chapters on relationships, cheating, toxic friendships, best friends and the future (I promise it's not as scary as it seems), along with anything I discover or come across on the way.

I don't want to drag this part out, so I'll finish by reminding you all that this book is book two in my 'Road to Self-Love' series. 'Hi, I Love You' is the first book which I wrote less than a year ago before deciding there was still more that needed to be said.

So here we are, me writing in hopes that someone is reading and you (hopefully) here to keep me company and read about my embarrassing stories while hopefully learning that in the long run, we're gonna make it and we're all gonna be okay.

I hope you enjoy and know that someone loves you, even if that person is me.

Love always,

Larni xxxxx

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