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Breakups suck, but I can't stress enough that they don't suck forever. That person was not your be all or end all and honestly, they obviously weren't right for you. You will move on and eventually you'll forget all about the person who broke your heart. You are such an amazing individual who will achieve incredible things and you will be just as brilliant without them, please remember that.

It feels as though everyone is rushing into relationships and complaining when they're not in one and as a fellow single pringle, I'm here to tell you not to. A relationship does not make you any more of a person and it's not your meaning in life. The way I see it, relationships are simply a bonus; they're nice, but they're also something you're just fine without. You are the central character in your life and you need to act like it instead of constantly searching for your love interest.

However if you're in a relationship, congrats! I hope you're happy and that your partner treats you like the queen/king that you are. If you're not being treated right though, I hope you have the strength to leave and do what's best for you. I know it's hard and it can be scary, but if your safety, mental or physical health is in danger because of a relationship, please get out of there as soon as possible because you owe it to yourself to be happy. You have basic rights as a human and you have every right in the world to leave someone if they make you unhappy.

I'm single now, but I've been in relationships. I've been with people who messed me up mentally for a really long time and with people who cheated, but in spite of that, right now I'm perfectly fine. As a matter of fact, I'm happy and at the end of those relationships, I wasn't sure that I ever would be. You're going to be okay, one day you're going to be happy and one day you'll meet the partner of your dreams and you'll finally realise why it never worked with anyone else.

Hold on because you're worth it and the right person will know that you're special from a mile away.

I love you and I hope you're having an amazing day. xxx

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