Say Yes

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This is a totally unplanned part, but what the hell? I think this is important.

So many opportunities pass us by every single day and for some reason, we're perfectly okay with it. We close so many doors on ourselves and end so many things before they begin. By ignoring that message, staying home, refusing to leave your comfort zone and saying no, you are rejecting something before you even know where it will take you.

Say yes. Not to stupid things, please use your common sense, but to things that could lead you somewhere. I know things like anxiety can make saying yes harder, so please keep your own well being in mind and don't do things that could be harmful to your mental or physical health.

However I urge you to take a risk and try new things; try sushi, go see that movie your friends invited you to, create a YouTube channel or write a book! One thing I always keep in mind and one thing I specifically remember saying to myself when I started this account was, "do something today that your future self will thank you for". I don't know who said it or where I got that quote from, I honestly can't remember, but I live by it. Wouldn't you much rather say 'oops' than 'what if'? Don't you want to know where a particular path could lead you? Take a chance and chase your dreams, say yes and see what happens.

Realistically, even if you take that chance and it doesn't work out, what have you really lost? At least now you know and can say that you tried. If your dreams don't scare you, they're simply not big enough. Dream bigger, be ambitious and know that if anyone can do it, it's you.

Say yes.

Growing Up [2] #wattys2016حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن