Finding Your Voice

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* This part is inspired by 'Girls Write Up', a program created by 'The Stella Prize' that I was lucky enough to attend. I went to the Melbourne event, but it will also be in Sydney although I'm not sure of the date. If you get the chance to go I strongly recommend it, it was both very empowering and inspiring. However I would just like to point out that this is in no way sponsored by the event. *


Everybody has something to say, a story to tell or a song to sing and everyone should have the same opportunities to express it. Whether you're a person of colour, white, gay, bi, lesbian, straight, male or female, you have the right to tell your story.

However people will lead you to think differently. They may tell you that what you have to say is unimportant or just ignore it completely, which is why you cannot ask politely to speak your mind. You can't wait for someone to invite you to express yourself, you have to just do it.

Be loud about it, don't shy away and be quiet like many expect. Be an attention seeker because why wouldn't you want attention drawn to the issue your passionate about? Of course you want people to notice you're trying to say, the insult of being an 'attention seeker' is irrelevant because yeah, that's kind of the point.

People are jerks and some will definitely try and tear you down for it, however Clementine Ford mentioned an interesting technique during a panel that is perfect, especially if the negative comments are coming from online accounts. Imagine them as a bigot from Harry Potter, who hide in the shadows so you can never see their true form and emerge as whatever you fear most, but they are defeated by laughter when the ridikulous spell is cast and turns them into something amusing. These imbeciles trying to tear you down don't like to have the tables turned, they don't like to be laughed at and if you can do that, you will win. If you can carry on and keep doing your thing, you simply cannot lose.

Go out there and find your voice, discover what you want to say and when you find it, scream it to the whole world! Make them sit up and take notice, be the ambitious attention seeker that you have the right to become. I believe in you and I can't wait to discover the story you have to share with the world.

Growing Up [2] #wattys2016Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt