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double update this week because exams are over :)


So today I finished my midterm exams and I know that a lot of people are studying for finals and exams too so I wanted to write a quick part for everyone who is stressing about them.

I'm gonna be completely honest, exams don't matter nearly as much as everyone likes to make out. So what if you fail? You fail, that's it. The sun will still rise tomorrow morning and the world won't stop spinning. So you don't score enough to get into the uni you dreamed of? Call them and explain your hard work (community service normally earns you a few extra brownie points) and they may just let you in, but if they don't, then it's their loss and it wasn't meant to be. I can guarantee you'll be happier wherever you end up because I like to believe that everything happens for a reason and perhaps, this was the stressful push you needed to find your true calling.

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying don't study or try. Study as much as you need and give it your all, but if it doesn't work out, please know that it's not the end of the world. You're still gonna be okay.

There is so much pressure placed on us to do well and to have our lives planned out, but if you don't, remember that that doesn't make you inadequate or any less amazing. I promise you'll figure it out and when you do, it'll be what's right for you. It'll be where you're happy.

I also want to point out that their is nothing wrong with changing career paths if you decide you're not happy, you are the protagonist in your own story and you must do what's best for you.

Back to exams though: I do want to encourage you to study and revise as much as necessary because it will help reduce stress when it comes to sitting exams. Drink plenty of water and get lots of sleep and make sure you have your exam materials organised well before the exam. Simple things like this will make the whole exam experience easier and will keep you from getting sick (it's common to get a cold during exam time due to stress and lack of sleep).

A website and app I love and use all the time when revising is Quizlet. You create flashcards and it will generate tests for you, make fun games using your cards and have a basic card feature to help you learn the material you entered. I add things to my sets constantly as we learn new things through the unit or course and I find it helps make things easier and less stressful when I already have my revision material ready to go. If you don't feel like making your own though, you can search sets. For example say you're doing Legal studies, Unit 1, type that into the Quizlet search bar and you'll have no trouble find a set of cards to use that covers what you've learnt.

All in all, I wish you all the best with your exams or tests and please remember, whatever the outcome, the stars will still shine at night and the Earth won't crumble. You're gonna be okay, I believe in you.

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