DaYeon(NaHyun): Not So Far

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Dedicated to: 17apink


I trudged over to the practice room and sighed. I once again have to practice. Debut is just so freaking close, yet so darn far. I have heard rumors about a new survival show, and I am literally in a mental breakdown. I'm already having enough trouble with Monthly Evaluations, and now I might have a new survival show to worry about.

I walked into the practice room and oddly, for the first time, no one was there. Usually, Momo Unni is here dancing away or Jisoo, Jungyeon and Nayeon and singing away. Sometimes, Tzuyu is here as well, but no one. I smiled in relief, I mean I really don't need anyone watching me practice.

I quickly tured on the music and danced, while singing along. I made sure that if I coulnd't sing the part I didn't even try, for it could damage my vocal chords, until my range grows. I was doing actually okay for once, and I was proud of myself as I went through each of the moves without too much trouble.

Soon came tha hardest part of the dance, I always messed up, but that was because I was always nervous... Now, no need to be nervous. I passed the hard part with flying colors, the dance was smooth and my voice didn't crack for once. I smiled victoriously when the song ended. To be honest I thin kthis is the first time that I actually made it through the song. Looks like debut is closer than I thought!

Sudden;y, I heard the door creak open and clapping echoed throughout the room. I looked in the mirror, and shoot, there was Nayeon Unni smirking and clapping. To be honest, I really like Nayeon Unni, but she always just smirks at me and insults my foolsih mistakes.

"Good job, Hyunnie!" She shouted, suddenly putting on a warm smile.

For some odd reason, I felt a lot worse when she said that. I really don't know why, but I figured it out when she said her next statement.

"Hyunnie, you're are such a cute little kid." She said.

There is was. She called me Hyunnie, most people would like being called a nickname by their crush, but by calling me Hyunnie it's a clear sign that she doesn't see me as anything more than a kid, just a kid. Great.

I lightly sighed and slapped a smile across my face.

"Thanks Unni!" I said, smileding my ever so rich smile.

"You know, Hyunnie, you deserve a break from all this practice." Nayeon Unni said.

I tilted my head in confusion. Oh no...

"Let's go to the park for a run!" SHe shouted.

For a run. Seriously. I just practiced for maybe and hour, and she wants to take me for a run. What the heck. I kept the smile on my face, and because I didn't want to say no, I got up and nodded.

"Leggo!" SHe shouted, dragging me by the arm.

Today is already a heck of a long day...


Alright, Step 1 complete! I can't believe I am following a dating book on how to grow close to your crush. I have officially gone insane. Like seriously, I am following what the book calls, a 5 Step method to confessing anf growing close to your crush.

Step one was well, ask for a walk or run, or well, any type of outdoor activity. I was pretty hesitant to follow this step at first, Dahyun just practiced...

Dahyun and I stepped out of the building and we began running, Dahyun, was suprisingly okay despite practicing before. I smiled at her perfect running posture and pose. I really like this little piece of tofu. She panted as she ran beside me, and we suddenly made eye contact and she blushed. LIKE SHE BLUSHED!!! I am in heaven!!!

Does she like me? Should I just be blunt and well, confess... Wait, that is step 5... Oh who cares! Now, how to confess. I stopped running and Dahyun turned around confused.

"Unni, are you okay?" She asked.

I smiled and decided, okay screw the book.

"Dahyun, is there anyone you like?" I asked, very, very bluntly.

She seemed extremely flustered at the question, but thankfully she replied honeslty.

"Yeah..." She said.

I felt scared for a second. What if it wasn't me she liked... I mean there are a lot of JYP Trainees, son hat would make sense... Eh, who cares, let's confess anyways....

"Who?" I asked, trying to get a hint.

"Er... Well... That is-

"Me?" I blurted.

Dahyun looked at me extremely confused and her face was literally a tomato. I felt very worried right now, to just what her reply would be. She didn't table we stood in the middle of the park like two weirdos. She stared at me, her face still horribly red.

"Dahyun?" I asked.

Dahyun continued to stare. So I decided to have a proper confession. Maybe then she'd talk, right?

"Kim Dahyun, I really like you and would love it if you would be my girlfriend." I said.

Dahyun's face, which I thought could not get any redder, got a whole lot more crimson. It practically looked like she was on fire... I smiled at her, hoping for a reply, but all I got was a red faced stare. In slight anger I simply sighed and glared.

"You know what, let's just run." I said, beginning to jog again.

Dahyun followed dilligently and I almost cried, guess she didn't like me after all... I blinked my eyes twice, keeping my tears back. Suddenly, Dahyun grabbed my arm and pulled me into her embrace.

"I like you too, Nayeon." She said.

Her voice was pure honey at that second. The words rolled out of her mouth in a perfect melody. The song she sung made all of nerves jumpy and longing to simply stay in the girls arms.

"I really do." She said.

I planted my lips onto Dahyun's and she accepted it very quickly. Yes, we were in the middle of a park, but there is literally no one here, so who cares. I never wanted to part with her lips, but we were running out of air and I had some stuff to say.

We pulled away from each other and simply smiled.

"Well, I guess you weren't too far after all." I said, kissing her again.

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