Chapter 14

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The next morning, she was all smiles as she packed her suitcase. Cole came out of the bathroom with her makeup. "Hi."

"Hi yourself." She said shyly. He grinned and pecked her mouth. "No regrets?"

"Not a one." She wrapped her arms around him. "I love you. And I do know that will be happening a lot more."

"Oh is that a fact?" He pulled back to look at her.

"Unless you..."

"Uh, no.... I am all for it." He kissed her hard. "I won't be able to get enough of you now that I've had a taste."

"Good." She laughed. "Now, let's get downstairs. I think I've got everything."

Her  fingers were laced though Cole's and he was playing with her fingers as  they drove to the airport. Heather caught the little looks they were  giving each other.

Something was defiantly up with the two of them. They were being extremely affectionate. But Heather was happy for Delilah. After everything Ryan had put her through she deserved to be happy.

March 2009- time jump

She was lying on the couch of the bus wrapped in Cole's arms, just enjoying the quiet. It was rare they got time alone. There was a movie on but neither of them was watching it.  "Move in with me." He said against her hair. She was tracing lazy circles on his chest while he played with her hair.

"Huh?" She lifted her head and looked at him.

"You heard me. Move in with me. I love you."

Delilah felt her heart skip a beat. "Cole..."

"Nolisten to me... I want you there when I go to bed and when I wake up. I want tosee your make up on the bathroom counter. I want to see our clothes hanging inthe same closet. I want to see our pictures hanging on the walls...."

She searched his eyes for signs he was joking. All she saw was love and affection.

"I'm being serious, Lila... I want this."

She stared at the man who had her heart. She knew she needed to just take the leap so she leaned over and kissed his mouth. "Ok."

Cole pulled back and looked at her. "Ok what? Ok you'll move in with me?"

"Yes. I love you and it's time."

"Damn I love you." He pecked her mouth.

"I love you too."

Delilah walked through the house making sure she hadn't forgotten anything. Tears filled her eyes as she went from room to room. It was bittersweet for her. This was the first home she lived in when she moved from Atlanta. There were so many memories in this house. For a year this house had been home. Where she laughed, cried, screamed and fell in love. Moments flashed through her mind, the day she moved in, the moment she bought the picture frame over the mantel, the day she broke a glass in the kitchen. The day Cole told her he was in love with her standing in the living room. She swallowed hard. This chapter of her life was ending but a new one was beginning. One she was looking forward to. One with Cole and their life together.

Her phone vibrated in her back pocket. She pulled it out. She saw he was face timing her. She wiped her eyes and hit accept.

"Hey you." She smiled brightly.

"Hi yourself. You ok?" Cole asked.

"Fine. Why?"

"Liar." He said quietly. He stretched out on the couch of the moving bus. "You aren't a good liar, Lila... What's wrong, darlin?"

"How do you know somethin's wrong?"

"Because I know you. And I got this feelin."

"You know me too well..." She sighed. "I'm just doin a walk-through of the house... Making sure I packed everything."

"And it got to you. You're sayin goodbye." He finished her sentence.

"Yea a little."

"I'm sorry, baby. I wish I could be there with you." He got up and headed for the bedroom at the back of the bus for some privacy. Joel was sitting across from him smiling.

He shut the door and sat down on the bed.

"It's ok, Cole. Really. I just realized this house has meant a lot to me. But I am starting a new life with you and I'm happy about it just sad to close this door."

"I love you, you know that."

"I love you too." She sat down on the stairs. The couches had already been moved into a storage building until she could figure out what she was going to do with them. The new furniture that she and Cole had picked out was being delivered to the new house the next day.

"I wish I was there. Just to hold you. I miss feelin you in my arms."

"Me too. But you'll be home soon and then you can."

"Bet your ass I will. All night. But I do have good news."


"When I come home, I'll be home for a month before the next leg of the tour."

"That's great. I can't want to see you."

"Me too, sugar. Listen you need to sleep. Tomorrow's gonna be a long day.... I'm sorry baby, I know you're stressed with the move and everything and I wish I was there to help."

"You are helpin... just by knowing I needed to hear your voice."

"Why don't you go get some sleep and I'll call you after sound check tomorrow?"


"I love you, Delilah."

"I love you too, Cole."

"Sweet dreams."

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