Chapter 18

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January 2010
Delilah continued to withdraw from Cole. She started planning the clothing line and threw herself into the work. They had gotten some investors. Cole was being pushed to the back burner. He started writing more and playing more shows with his band on top of still touring with Luke. They were starting to fight more and more about little things. Who didn't put milk on the grocery list, who left the cap off the toothpaste, who was in charge of the laundry. Delilah was traveling back and forth to New York and LA. It had been three weeks since they had seen each other.

Cole came into the house to see Delilah on the phone and working on her laptop at the counter. "Yea I'm super excited about it, Car. It's gonna be awesome." She turned her head as he bent his head to kiss her causing his lips to land on her cheek. He raised his eyebrows. She got up from the counter and went to get a bottle of water. "I know. Yea I will have the fabrics picked out tonight and ready to go for New York day after tomorrow." She balanced the phone between her ear and shoulder while she sipped the water. "It's gonna be insane once we land. Non stop meetings. Ok. I'll call you tomorrow." She hung up and looked at Cole. "Hey."

"What the hell was that?" He crossed his arms and stared at her across the island.

"What was what?"

"You turn your head when I go to kiss you?"

"I was on the phone, Cole. Relax." She rolled her eyes and sat back down.

"Did you forget that we have dinner plans?"

Her fingers froze over the keys. "Uh...."

"Damn it, Lila...that's the third date night you've baled this month." He shook his head.

"Why can't we just order in?"

"And I sit here and watch you work?"

"How is it any different than you being in a writing session?" She asked.

"Don't even... you knew who I was when this started, Lila...."

"And you said you supported me in this." Delilah shot back.

"I do. But I didn't know this was going take up so much of your time."

"So you want me to sit here and wait on you?" She stared at him in disbelief.

"Stop twisting my words."

"Then say what you really mean."

"I meant that this has become more important than us. Than me."

"You're over reacting, Cole."

"No, I'm not. You're constantly leaving.  The jewelry line, your photography...I get home and you're off to New York or LA . Hi baby, bye baby. You haven't exactly been present here."

"Why are we even together anymore when all we do it fight? It's one thing after another. Maybe we need a break...."

"Yeah...that's the way to solve our problems. Avoid them." Cole snapped.

Tears filled her eyes as he grabbed his jacket and keys. "I need some air."

He walked out of the house and slammed the door.

Delilah cried herself to sleep. He wasn't downstairs when she came down the next morning. She blinked back the tears and focused on her work. She wanted this line to be a success. Cole didn't come home at all that day. He sent her text telling her he was working it would be late before he made it home. She just responded with ok and tried to put their fight out of her mind.

She had to meet Caroline at the airport. They were supposed to be in New York with the investors. She hid her swollen eyes behind dark glasses. She had cried so much over the past month it was unreal. She dressed in jeans with brown riding boots and brown oversized sweater. She tossed her phone makeup and iPad into her large Birkin bag. She piled her hair into a messy bun and went out to meet the driver.

Caroline squeezed her hand as they got off the plane. "You ok?"

"No but I need to work."

"K. Hair and makeup is at the hotel."

Delilah sat unmoving in the chair as Toni curled her hair into loose waves. "What's wrong?"

"Cole and I are fighting again...."Tears pricked her eyes."

"Do you want to be with him?"

"Of course. I love him."

"What does your heart say?"

"That I need to start making more time for him."

"Follow your heart."

Delilah made it through three days of New York and meetings but her heart was in Nashville with Cole. She discussed taking some time off with Caroline who readily agreed. She was feeling better when she landed back in Nashville.

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