Finally alone

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Hey, my name is Alyssa and today I finally turned 17. Which means my parents are actually going to start trusting me to be home alone for a long period of time! I'm so happy because that means I can invite my friends over, well I mean boys cause they don't mind the girls.
My parents are gone to California for 3 months because my dad has some type of business thing going on. When they do come back they won't be back for long, probably only 1 or 2 months, it's going to be like this for about 2 years before my dad retires, by then I will hopefully be out of this house.
Anyways, this is my first day alone and I have nothing to do. I have a car it's just I don't know where to go, plus I don't feel like driving. So I'll just make some calls and get someone to come and get me. Maybe I can get Lane to come and get me. 👅 Lane is sexy, he can take me where ever he pleases. Lane and I are like best friends, we have texted freaky before but it was only once or twice, nothing to serious. Well now that I'm thinking about it maybe it wasn't anything serious because we never got the chance to be alone. Mm, well maybe that can change tonight. 😋

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