Won't show it ..

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Lane- I am so sorry, I love you alot, I miss you so much already.
Me- Lane you don't love me. You love the sight of seeing me in bed you can't lie. I let you take my virginity.. Wow.
Lane - I can't lie , i like seeing you in bed but i love looking in your eyes and i love you being the first person i see in the morning and the last one i see at night .
Me- Lane, we are done. I can't do this. Forget it. I don't even care anymore.
Lane- Baby no!
Me- I'm not your baby anymore.
Lane- Please give me one more chance!
I had nothing to say so I just ignored it. I couldn't.. I am just going to go to Michel's house 😭 just go and chill. I don't even want to think about Lane. I'm not going to be upset about him, or at least I won't show it.
I get to Michel's house and he was unpacking because he just got back from his spring break vacation. He looks at me and smiles..
"What's up babe?"
*he calls me babe because he calls all the girls he thinks are cute babe*
" Lane cheated on me . I don't care anymore I just need time to forget about it. "
" Oh I'm sorry! Why would he cheat on you ? He's dumb ! Want to stay here?"
" Umm yea sure , thanks Michel."
Michel lives alone because his parents pasted 1 year ago in a car crash. His aunt bought the house and said he can stay in it alone.
I sat down on the couch and we sat and talked for hours. I stayed there for about a week..
A week later..
Before I knew it it became time for me to lay down and go to sleep. I layed down on his couch and then his comes up to me, smiling, then he picks me up and takes me to his bed.

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