Sick at Home

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Awwe 😭 My baby is sick, that is why he couldn't come over today. I feel really bad, I don't like when he is sick. So I decided to go over there and comfort him. I went to Starbucks and bought his favorite, a strawberry and creme. Then I went to Chick-fil-a and bought him a chicken sandwich and some fries. 😊. All of this is a surprise so I am not telling him until I show up. I am about 10 minutes away..
*10 minutes later*
Alright . I am here, I can't wait to see the look on his face. The door isn't locked, I mean even if it was he gave me a key just in case I wanted to stay over there and he's doing something for a minute and isn't home.
I just walked in the front door and I am hearing weird noises come out of his room 😕? Now I am a little worried he shouldn't be moaning like that, he should sound like a man. This kind of sounds like a woman, maybe he is that sick.. Awwe my poor baby.
Alright .. My plan is to burst in his room yelling surprise !! Okay 1..2..3.. go!!
When I walked in she was riding him, when she saw me she fell off him straight onto the floor.
" bby I do love you !" he said looking anxious
" You just cheated on me ! You don't love me ! If you did you wouldn't have thought about this and sure as hell wouldn't have done it! Wow.. Uggh.. I'm hurt but then again I'm angry I don't know what to say right now I guess I fell for your tricks. Wow.... thanks for making me feel loved again. I thought it was real. I guess not...."
" baby I do love you... You are my..." He said but I wouldn't let him finish
" I have heard that before..." I just walked out . I couldn't look at his lieing face anymore.
On the drive home I only shed one tear. I'm actually more mad then sad, I think it's because i fell for it again. I feel for some stupid boys tricks.
Then I get a text from Lane.. I don't know if I should look at it or ignore it.

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