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We are officially dating and now I feel so important.  He makes me feel like the only girl in the world. He makes me feel like the only girl in his life. 😏 I mean I'm the only girl in his bed, sooo.. I mean I better be the only girl either way because if I'm not... that would crush me because right now I believe every word he has ever said to me. That means a lot to me. I am truly in love with my best friend. 💕. I can't control it, when I look into his eyes I feel safe and secure. I know it's only been like a day since we have been together but it feels like forever. It feels like he has always been there for me. It feels like I've had him for longer than I could imagine.
I am glad I lost my virginity to him though. 😶 I am glad I lost it to my first true love.
Even though I could have done it with someone else,  my stupid ex Landon.  He pressured me to have sex with him. I didn't want to do it so I didn't.  I mean he was my boyfriend at the time, however I felt like it was to soon to do it with him.  He just wanted his dick sucked and to get fucked. When I actually told him no he got mad. Like really mad, he didn't want to talk to me the entire day, he avoided me completely. He wouldn't even stand next to me. Which I  thought was pretty fucked up if he actually the one who wouldn't turn their back on me and the one who was always going to be there. He was just using me. The sad part about it is I didn't give a fuck that he did that. I just walked away because in the beginning I always knew the truth, I knew he was lieing in the long run because of the way he talked to me sometimes. But it's all okay, that's the past, it doesn't matter I have found better, I have found more in every way. 😏👅

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