Behind the door

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      "B-Big brother! Please come out of the room!"

Tai called gently knocking on the door. He was whining and crying, being extremely worried about his older brother. His other brother, Im Young was trying to comfort him but of course was failing as he wasn't used to comforting others. He himself, although he hated Xiao, was worried about his older brother as well.

    "Xiao Wang open the fucking door right now! You need to eat! It's been three fucking days!"

The Korean yelled angrily banging his fist against the door. Although Xiao had been in his room around three weeks he would sometimes, very rarely, open the door, quickly lift the food his siblings had left out for him, then shut the door again. Im Young sighed angrily and hugged his brother again, trying to stop the usually happy boy from crying.

    "We're back! Has big brother left the room yet?" 

Ly asked running over to the two boys. Im Young shook his head with a 'does it look like it' look, which didn't please Ming Yue who gave him a slap on the back of the head.

    "Don't give me that look, bastard!"

She said, crossing her arms. Tai was wiping away a few tears from his eyes, he then spoke up, his voice quite hoarse from the amount of crying he had been doing.

    "H-He...Won't even speak anymore..."

Tai said glancing back in the direction of the door.

    "WHAT?!? Xiao!! Open the door now!!"

Ming yelled kicking the door in anger. Im Young raised an eyebrow at her. He frowned and spoke up.

    "So, I'm guessing Kuro refused to listen?"

    "Tch... Yeah, the bastard doesn't seem to care at all!"

    "Some brother he is..."

The Korean boy said with a scowl, extremely similar to the one of his Japanese brother.


Ly said quietly with a worried expression looking at the door. She had never seen her eldest brother so upset, what could've happened to make him act like this? The four siblings eventually gave up walking away from the door, heading to the kitchen to make themselves dinner.

  Inside the room, Xiao was in the corner, curled up into a ball. His favourite hat, the one he always wore, was now lying on the side of the room like Xiao had suddenly forgot about it. He didn't bother moving from the spot, his head resting on his knees. His room was a complete mess, there were leftovers from the food his siblings had left out for him, his hair and clothes were a mess, he clearly hadn't washed or even changed at all since he locked himself in his room. Xiao slowly looked up, he then stood up shakily trying to keep his balance. He walked towards the door, a quiet clicking noise was heard and the wooden door was opened.

Xiao left the room, using the wall to keep his balance, he then walked down towards the kitchen. After hesitating slightly he pushed the kitchen door open, four surprised nations looked over at the door. Staring in disbelief.


All four ran over to him giving him a hug, Xiao just stood silently. After the four had pulled away from the hug they noticed Xiao was shaking slightly and tears were rolling down his cheeks.

    "Big brother...?"

Tai asked quietly, gently shaking his arm. Xiao's eyes widened and he dropped to the ground curling into a ball, he was rocking back and forth covering his ears, his eyes were shut tightly and he was screaming 'make it stop' over and over.

    "What's going on? What's wrong with big brother?!"

Ly asked worriedly. Ming Yue's eyes widened, suddenly remembering something Kuro had told her years ago.


"Whenever Xiao goes into depression, he begins to have flashbacks of the worst times in his life. Many of them are of wars that he was stuck in, he believes they are real and it is very hard to snap him out of it. If it ever happens when I am not there call me and I will come straight over."

~~~~~~flashback ended~~~~~~

    "It's worth a shot..."

Ming said taking out her phone and slowly pressing the 'call Kuro' button.  

Betrayal - [A 2P Asia story]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora