Poor Kuro...

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  Kuro stayed silent as he walked towards his siblings.  He examined Xiao, who was curled up in a ball, trying to picture the kind of flashback the party had caused.

    "Big brother, what do we do?" 

Tai asked, looking up at Kuro.  Kuro flinched slightly after hearing Tai call him 'big brother' he then sighed.

    "First of all, don't call me big brother.  Second, we must take him somewhere quieter than this, the loud music and drunk nations are not helping." 

He said then carefully picked Xiao up, finding it hard to carry him when he was curled into a ball.  His two sisters quickly followed while the two brothers helped to clear a space so Kuro could easily pass through.

  The six siblings made it to the hallway, unfortunately standing in front of the exit was Luciano and Lutz.  Kuro scowled, glaring at Luciano who was twirling a knife around in his hand.

    "Leaving so soon, Kuro?"

Luciano asked with a smirk, stepping forward.   Kuro's scowl remaining  on his face as he took a step back.  Tai shuffled behind his sister, he had always found Luciano quite frightening.


Kuro said, keeping a close eye on the knife.  He was unable to even reach for his Katana to protect himself and his siblings as he had to carry his brother.

    "Let us past."

He said blankly.  Luciano let out a chuckle, Lutz sniggered quietly.  He was standing in front of the door with his arms folded across his chest.

    "Now, Kuro.  Why would I let you past with.... him?"

Luciano asked, pointing his knife at Xiao.  Kuro held Xiao slightly closer in a protective way, Luciano sighed.

    "You're getting softer, Kuro.  Caring about people will only make you weaker~"

Luciano stated with a smirk, Kuro let out a quiet growling sound.

    "Come back with us Kuro and maybe I'll forgive you~"


Kuro muttered taking a quick glance at Xiao before returning his attention to his 'friends'.  Luciano raised an eyebrow.

    "No? Did you just refuse for a second time?..."

Luciano asked, lowering his voice from his sly one to a much more serious one.  His grip on the knife tightening as he scowled at Kuro.

     "This is not a request, Kuro.  Come back with us right now or else..."

Kuro let out a sigh muttering something in Japanese, he then stepped forward. 

    "...Fine.  At least let me leave him outside."

Kuro said, Luciano frowned and thought for a minute. 

    "Alright, but I do not want to see you with them again..."

Luciano said, snapping his fingers.  Lutz then stepped to the side, Ly then scurried forward and opened the door for Kuro.  The six then exited the building, once outside Kuro placed Xiao on the ground and stood.  

    "Give him time, this is not as bad as the other flashbacks, take him somewhere quieter and keep him away from thing like alco-"


He sighed, bowing slightly.

    "I must go now, goodbye."

That was all he said before calmly walking over to Luciano and Lutz, who were now getting into a silver car which had Gillen in the drivers seat.  Luciano sat in the front passanger seat with his brother, Flavio and Lutz in the back, leaving a seat for Kuro.  Kuro climbed into the seat and closed the door, his siblings could not hear what was being said but as the car began to drive they could see Luciano screaming at Kuro.

    "Poor Kuro...."

Tai said quietly, watching the car driving past.  Ly frowned a little, shaking her head.

    "That's not right, big brother shouldn't let Luciano boss him around like that..."

    "He seemed pretty pissed...." Ming said, crossing her arms.  "I hope Kuro will be okay..." She muttered the last part so no one would hear.

  After a quiet discussion and searching for a quiet place they eventually found a small cafe that was closing up for the night.  Tai was friends with the owner and they were given permisson to stay longer.

    "Okay, thank you.  I will, bye~"

Tai said grinning, he then skipped over to his siblings twirling a key around in his hand.  

    "We can stay as long as we want, we just need to remember to lock up!"

He said then headed to the coffee machine, he left some cash on the counter and grabbed a tray bringing over a cup of tea for everyone, they thanked him and took the tea.  

    "How's big brother now?" 

Tai asked, looking over at Xiao.  He seemed a little more relaxed but not out of the flashback completely.  Im Young groaned in frustration, slamming his fist off of the coffee table.

    "This is all Luciano's fault!! If he hadn't have stopped Kuro, Xiao would be fine!"

     "Calm down brother, screaming won't help big brother, it will only make him worse."

Ly said, gently placing a hand on her brother's shoulder to calm him down,  her brother made a small 'tch' noise, folding his arms across his chest. 

     "Knowing that stupid Italian, Kuro's probably going to be punished or something.  I swear I saw Luciano getting ready to throw that knife..."

He muttered, looking out the window, Ming sighed.  Suddenly Xiao shifted around slightly, groaning.  He opened his eyes and looked around.

    "Huh? Where... Where am I?"

He asked looking around, Tai glanced at his sister who shook her head.  He nodded and thought of some random excuse.

    "You passed out from drinking too much!"

    "I... did?"  Xiao asked raising an eyebrow.  "I don't remember drinking that much..."

    "Yeah, you did.  So we brought you here, to a cafe.  It's a lot quieter!"

He lied, his usually cheerful smile on his face, Xiao could tell by looking into his eyes that it was a lie.  However, he decided it was best not to question it.

    "Well... Thanks, I guess..."

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