Not my brother

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"What I did is none of your business, Xiao."

Came the reply of the Italian, as usually followed into the room by the German man who never seemed to leave his side. A small frown formed on Luciano's lips as he turned to look at Xiao, then back to Kuro.

"Kuro, I do hope you haven't forgot what I told you..."

Luciano said with a hint of anger in his tone. Kuro, to Xiao's surprise, hesitated as he spoke.

"N-No... Of course not, Luciano..."

Kuro actually seemed nervous and it was making Xiao mad. Luciano smirked, then spoke.

"Good. Now... Come here."

Kuro quickly glanced over at his brother, then began to slowly turn away.


Luciano, being extremely short-tempered for things like this was not in any mood for this. Kuro jumped slightly at the sudden yell, he quickly scurried over to Luciano, standing by his side his head lowered. Kuro felt ashamed of this, scared by an angry Italian man. Who, however, could probably kill him in three seconds, Xiao scowled.

"Luciano you bastard! What have you done to my little brother?!"

Xiao yelled, Luciano just let out a small chuckle.

"Now, now, Xiao. You should know by now that Kuro is not your brother... Don't you remember that little flashback you had, hmm?~"

Xiao's eyes were widened in shock. He looked over at Kuro, who's head was still bowed to the ground.

"T-That's not true! Of course Kuro is my brother!"

Xiao exclaimed, then suddenly he remembered that day... A few tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Go on, Kuro. Tell him. Tell that stupid old man he's wrong~"

Luciano said with a sly smirk, however, Kuro was silent. Not a word left his mouth until... He flinched, he could feel a cold blade poking into his side. However, this was done secretly, so Xiao could not see what had happened.

'Xiao... I- I am sorry, but I must do it....' Kuro thought to himself, he took a deep, shaky breathe and sighed.

"Xiao- You... You are not my brother!"

Kuro yelled, suddenly glancing up as he spoke. Xiao felt his heart shatter when he heard those words. Kuro, the boy he raised, the boy he cared for, protected and loved... He really went too far this time. Xiao couldn't hold back the tears any longer. They poured down his cheeks as he dropped to his knees, buried his head into his hands as he began crying. He didn't care if he would be seen as 'weak', his brother- No, his ex-brother really had betrayed him this time.

Im Young suddenly sprinted past the room, only catching a glimpse of Xiao crying was enough to make him stop in his tracks. He ran into the room pushing right past the Axis trio, hugging Xiao tightly.


Im Young turned to the three, a scowl on face.

"You bastards! What the hell did you do to him?!"

Kuro immediately saw that he had made the biggest mistake in his life. He slowly stepped forward, reaching out to Xiao.

"X-Xiao... I-"


Everyone, suddenly froze in shock. Xiao had just slapped Kuro, who stumbled back slightly.

"...You are right, Kuro."

Xiao said, slowly standing up, he had a sad smile on his face.

"H-Huh? What do you mean...?"

Kuro asked, dreading the response. Xiao sighed quietly, then shakily spoke.

"You are right... We are not brothers..."

Suddenly Xiao's tone went from sad to bitter, his sad smile turned to a scowl. Kuro's eyes widened in complete shock, as did Im Young's.

"N-No! I was wrong! Xiao, I was wrong!"

Kuro cried out, suddenly Im Young stepped in.

"B-Big brother... You can't be serious, can you?!"

Xiao turned to Im Young and gave him a small smile. He gestured towards the door.

"Im Young please... Wait outside, this is something I do not wish for you to hear...."

Im Young nodded slightly, scurrying out of the room. Luciano pushed Lutz out the door, following behind.

"We'll give you two some time to chat~"

Luciano said with a smirk, closing the door. Both Xiao and Kuro then turned to face each other, staring in silence.

"Years and years..."

Xiao muttered quietly, Kuro seemed confused.


"Years and years... I raised you... I cared for you, protected you... Loved you like family... All of that, gone... You left- Betrayed me... I waited, and waited. You never came back, Kuro. Never. Not once."

".... Xiao... Please- Stop this..."

"Stop?! You just told me to stop?!"

Xiao let out a laugh, glaring at his ex-brother.

"Of all the people to hear that from..."


"You know, I'm glad you said what you did."

"W-What?! Why!?"

"Because, I will not have an annoying little selfish brat ruin my life again. Kuro, I think it's about time for you to go... Forever..."

Betrayal - [A 2P Asia story]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin