The Party at Allen's

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  The next few months were fine, Xiao continued life like usual. His siblings of course still followed him around, worried that he would do something stupid that would trigger a flashback. During meetings others would constantly ask where he had been, his response was always something along the lines of.

    "Sorry, but I have no idea what you are talking about..."

~~~~~~A short Flashback~~~~~

It was Xiao's first meeting back after hiding in his room for so long, as soon as he entered the building he was surrounded by nations.

     "Xiao, bro where the hell have you been?!"

    "Oh goodness, Xiao. You look very pale, are you ill?"

    "No fair, how come I can't ditch meetings?!"

Xiao raised an eyebrow at the other nations, confused.

    "I have no idea what you mean, I haven't missed a meeting in years..."

He stated, his Taiwanese and Vietnamese sisters distracted Xiao by bringing him to his seat. Tai then told everyone about the flashbacks that had happened. Everyone seemed shocked, however, there were some who just didn't care... Luciano was in a group of his own with Lutz and Kuro. After hearing a short part of the conversation, Luciano made an irritated 'tch' noise.

    "How come that stupid Chinese man is getting so much attention lately?..."

Luciano grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest. Kuro let out a silent sigh, glancing in Xiao's direction. Xiao had his usual grin plastered on his face as he spoke to Allen, Matt and Viktor.

    "Oi, Kuro! Stop spacing out!"

Luciano yelled, waving a hand over Kuro's face. Kuro snapped back into reality.

    "S-Sorry, Luciano-san..."

He muttered turning back to face his allies. The meeting then continued as usual, with one slight difference. Everyone in the Asian family had been acting strangely, except for Xiao, who had finally returned to his usual self.

~~~~~End of flashback~~~~~

  Xiao had started going out of the house again and hanging out with others. At least one sibling insisted on going with him every time. He was planning on going out again tonight, his siblings begged him not to go. Allen was throwing a huge party tonight. All of the countries had been invited, Xiao saw no problem with going, however, Ming and Ly saw a huge problem with it. Allen's parties could always get a little crazy and out of control, usually everyone ended up drunk, music was always on full volume, violence almost always happened.

    "I will be fine, Tai. Stop worrying so much, you four are coming as well. So let's go!"

Xiao said impatiently, wanting to be on time for once, as he was almost always late to things like meetings and parties. The four sighed, giving up on trying to convince him to stay at home.

They arrived at the party on time, most people were already there. Allen noticed the five and grinned, running over.

    "Hey dudes and dudettes," he said and winked at the two girls, "glad you could make it."

He said and made it clear he was already drunk, Ming rolled her eyes and pushed Allen away.


She muttered and walked straight in taking a seat on the couch, scanning the room to see who else had arrived. In one corner she spotted the Axis Trio and scowled, Luciano had a glass of wine in his hand and was arguing with Lutz, who was holding a beer. She rolled her eyes at the two, then noticed Kuro still seemed perfectly sober. Im Young flopped down beside her on the couch handing her a glass of wine, in his other hand was soju. She raised an eyebrow at her younger brother.

    "Aren't you a bit young to be drinking that?"

She asked taking a sip of the wine, her brother shrugged and drank some of the alcoholic drink.

     "So? No one will care, they're all too drunk to notice."

She rolled her eyes slightly, muttering something quietly. Tai bounced over to the two.

    "Hey guys, I heard Egil is here. Have you seen him?"

He asked and the two shook their heads. He then spotted his friend in the distance.

    "There he is!"

He said and ran off, Ming chuckled quietly watching him run off. Ly then skipped over, smiling.


She said cheerfully and pointed over at Xiao, who was having some sort of drinking contest against Viktor.

    "Big brother seems to be having fun."

She giggled, flopping onto the couch beside her brother and sister. Im Young glanced over at Xiao, then mumbled.

    "Yeah, but for how long..."

Ming sighed quietly, taking a small sip of wine.

   "Let's just hope nothing happens...."

After about an hour and a half later a few of the nations had gotten a little aggressive, some were arguing and some fighting. Xiao's eyes widened and he dropped to the ground, bringing his knees to his chest.

    "Oh no... XIAO!!"

Ming ran over to him, shaking his arm gently. Xiao didn't look up, tears rolled down his cheeks as he started sobbing loudly. Most stopped to see what had happened.

    "Is...Is he okay?"

Matt asked, looking down at Xiao, Oliver sprinted over to them.

    "Oh my goodness, Ming dear, what happened to him?!"

He asked in a panicked tone, Ming sighed quietly shaking her head. They all tried warning him, yet he insisted he went.

   "He... He is having a flashback...."

She muttered shaking his arm, trying to wake him up. Kuro flinched slightly, looking over at Xiao.

    "Tch... Things are starting to get boring. Lutz, Kuro. We're leaving."

Lutz and Luciano started walking but Kuro stayed still, glancing in Xiao's direction. He wanted to leave but something stopped him from being able to move his feet.

    "Kuro. We are leaving. Let's go... KURO!"


    "What did you just say to me?!"


    "No? Kuro, you can't possibly be thinking of helpi- Hey! Get back here!"

Kuro was long gone. As if something was controlling him, he shuffled his way through the crowd until he made it to where his siblings stood. Tai looked over his shoulder, his eyes widening.


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