They NEED His Help

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  Kuro was sitting silently staring at the TV screen when his phone snapped him out of his thoughts. He didn't bother to check who had called and pressed the Answer button, he held his phone up to his ear and began to speak...


    "Kuro, it's me again. We need you to come home right now!" 

Said a very worried Ming Yue, Kuro immediately began to regret not checking the number first.

    "Tch... Forget it, I told you before. I don't care and I'm not going back there."

    "Kuro please! You must come home! It's gotten worse. Xiao is very depressed! Remember years ago, when you told me that when Xiao gets very depressed he begins to have flashbacks."

    "Yes, I remember."

    "Well, he's curled in a ball screaming to 'make it stop!' Kuro help him please! You... You promised me that you would help if ever happened!"

    "How many times do I have to say it, no!"

    "P-Please Kuro! You are really going to break a promise are you? YOU'RE A TERRIBLE BROTHER! I HATE YOU!"

  Although Kuro could not see her he could tell Ming Yue was crying. The sudden feeling of guilt took over, Ming Yue NEVER cries. He had promised her that he would help... Kuro sighed, clearly annoyed. His sister was about to hang up when Kuro finally spoke up.

    "...I will be over in half an hour."

That was all Kuro said before hanging up. Ming Yue managed to slip in a quick 'thank you.' She placed her phone to the side and turned to face her siblings. She spoke in a monotone voice.

    "Kuro will be hear soon."

All three siblings stared in shock, Kuro? In Xiao's house? To help him?

  The name 'Kuro' managed to trigger another of Xiao's horrible flashbacks he suddenly let out a surprisingly high-pitched scream causing the four siblings to jump. He was now lying on his side, one hand quite close to the scar which ran the whole way down his back, diagonally. He was whimpering quietly, Ly's eyes widened.

    "...Kuro's betrayal."

Ming Yue clenched her fists tightly trying to control her anger, a hand was suddenly placed on her shoulder. She jumped, turning around to see Im Young. She forced a small smile, this being one of the very few days her mischievous, Korean brother shown his kinder side, a side only his sibling ever saw even then it was rare. Tai was quietly clinging onto Im Young's shirt, still crying. Im Young continued to comfort his brother while Ly tried to help Xiao.

Ming Yue was on her phone, texting:

    Ming: Betrayal memory, hurry up.

A few seconds later came a reply. She didn't have to say anything more than that, Kuro knew exactly what she meant by 'betrayal memory'.

    Kuro: Shit. This won't end well, nearly there.

About 10 minutes of waiting and trying to calm Xiao down, a knock was heard at the door.

    "I will get it."

Tai said running to the door, he opened the door quickly grabbing Kuro's arm. He then dragged his Japanese brother into the kitchen, where Xiao lay curled up on the ground, tears still rolling down his cheeks. He let out occasional whimpers, as if he could feel the pain. One thing about Xiao's flashbacks was that he could not just see and hear but also feel everything that had happened before.

    "I will help Xiao. Then leave."

Kuro stated in his monotone voice, Ming Yue gave him a quick glare to say 'hurry-the-fuck-up.' He rolled his eyes then crouched down in front of Xiao.


That's all it took, Xiao's eyes shot wide open. He was still trapped in his flashback but he could see and hear what was happening around him. Seeing Kuro, he crawled back away in fear.

    "S-STAY AWAY!!"

He screamed curling into a ball, he glanced over to the side slightly to see the Katana, of course it was there. Kuro always carried around the weapon which didn't help Xiao's condition at all he began to scream at Kuro in a mixture of Chinese and Japanese words so that Kuro understood him. Kuro rolled his eyes stepping closer to Xiao so he was now towering over his older brother, just like he did before striking him with the katana. Kuro then slowly brought his hand towards the handle of the sword.


Ming yelled furiously, trying to get to Kuro. It took all three siblings to hold back the angry Taiwanese girl. 


She screamed still trying to escape her siblings grasp. Ly pulled her back, pleading that she would calm down.

    "Calm down, he won't hurt him!"

In one swift motion Kuro had his Katana placed very very gently against Xiao's back, at the start of his previous scar. Xiao's eyes widened in fear but began to relax seeing that Kuro didn't hurt him.

    "...H-Huh? Kuro...?!"

Xiao's eyes widened as he stared up at his younger brother. His flashback had ended and with that Kuro put his katana away, turning to leave.

    "All you have to do is follow the storyline, then change it..."

He said and left the house without another word.

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