Fifth Grade

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Anyway, this new part is written by a very annoying jerk (but they still write better than me) know who you are *glares*

Cas was honestly concerned. He was observant by nature, and he realized that something was different about his friend.

While other kids came to school with their lunch boxes overflowing with sandwiches and apples and fruit roll-ups and gushers, Dean usually just had a sandwich.

Some kids laughed with their friends during class, but Dean was always lost in thought. He was different somehow. He still tried for Cas though.

He was always smiling whenever he saw Cas walk though the door, but when Dean wasn't looking, Cas saw the small frown tugging the corners of his lips down. Cas ached to ask what was wrong.

Because he knew that something was wrong. But he didn't know what.

During class, Dean was constantly playing with this necklace. He never seemed to take it off.

It was the third week of fifth grade. Cas walked through the front doors. The sense of pride he felt when he walked into the school on the first day and he realized that he was one of the oldest kids in the whole school still hadn't faded.

He walked with a sense of power at being in fifth grade. He set his bag down next to his desk, and his eyes immediately scanned the room for the familiar shape of his best friend.

Cas saw Dean almost instantly. He was sitting in the reading corner, reading a book. But Cas could tell that he wasn't actually reading. He was doing that thing again. That nervous tic. Playing with his necklace while his eyes gazed down thoughtfully.

Cas could tell he was lost in thought. He walked over, and as soon as Dean heard Cas's familiar footsteps, his head snapped up and his mouth curved into a wide grin.

Cas smiled back, happy to see him. He sat down and peeked at the book that Dean was reading, only to see that it was upside down. Cas looked up at Dean, wondering what was going on in his mind.

Dean looked at the book again, and hurriedly flipped it right side up, his face flushed in embarrassed.

"The Wizard of Oz," Dean explained. "I found it in my dads old collection of books from our old house. I'm at the part where there's a tornado in Kansas."

"Do you like it?" Cas asked. "My brother Balthazar was reading it for his class. He said it was pretty good. I thought it was too advanced for our grade, though."

"It is. I don't understand what's going on half the time, but I want to try reading it," Dean replied softly.

Cas knew that this wasn't the real reason that Dean was reading this particular book. But before he could ask, Ms. Robinson called them over to their seats to begin the lesson. Math.

They both got up and Dean slipped the book into his desk as he sat down. Once they took seats, Ms. Robinson began the lesson. Something about multiplying three digit numbers, but Cas wasn't paying attention.

He looked over at his friend, scribbling notes on an old looking piece of paper. Cas wondered what could have happened to make him broken like he was. He didn't share much about his family, but Cas thought it had something to so with that.

He knew about broken families. Cas thought about how his mother died after he was born, and how his dad left them soon after. But he was lucky. His father left him a huge house , and he had a couple of big brothers who took really good care of him.

Cas resolved to ask about it at recess. He looked back at the board, and hurriedly scribbled down the problems.

Cas sat on the swing set, dragging his feet along the wood chips while he was waiting for his friend. His face lit up with a smile when he saw Dean approaching, waving at him.

"Can you believe we're already in fifth grade?"

Dean laughed. "It still feels like we're in Preschool, honestly."

Cas noticed Dean fidgeting with his necklace again.

"What's that?" Cas questioned.

"It's just something my brother gave me." Dean said, looking away.

"It's nice."

Dean looked at Cas, then back to his necklace. Dean pulled it off, and handed it to Cas.

"I want you to have it."

"Are you sure?" Cas asked.

Dean nodded, and Cas looped it over his head.

"Thank you Dean, I love it."

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