Chapter 19- Fangirling

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Chapter 19- Fangirling

"Oh my god, their faces!" Taylor said between her laughing fit. We were in the halls leading us to the backstage since we had back stage passes also. We were one of the few people who were just standing there in the halls, everyone around us were trying to to get backstage fast. 

"I know!" I replied laughing just as hard, I was leaning on the walls holding my stomach. Tears forming in my eyes due to all the laughing. Their faces were filled with utter shock, well then again that's what happens when you get too confident. Reality kicks you in the butt.

"Ok are you guys done yet? I don't know about you, but--"

"I'm feeling 22!" Austin sings cutting Josh off. He had one hand on his chest and his other arm was out and his head was turned to  the right and he sang it like it was a love serenade. Taylor and I started laughing even harder. Josh, being the mature one just waited patiently until Taylor, Austin, and I can stop acting like complete idiots. 

"I was trying to say, are we going back stage or are we just going to stand here all night?" He says looking around the now almost empty halls. Two girls ran by us, not even paying us any attention, they just want to see Austin Mahone.

"I think standing here is a pretty good idea." Austin says raising one of his hands, "I vote standing here instead of seeing Aaron Mahorn."

"Let's not do that." I said coming up with a better suggestion. Austin's ebullience lowered and he pouted. I scowled, "Oh stop being a baby and just go. You should at least be happy I didn't make you twin with Josh."

"That right there is pretty legit." Josh points out. He was wearing a pink I love Austin Mahone shirt. On his face with washable marker was "♥" on his left cheek and "Mahone" on his right.

"Ok let's just go!" I said impenitently and we made our way to the door.

"May I see your back stage passes please." A muscular bouncer that was bald said to us. "You guys better not be trying to sneak into this thing."

"We're not." Taylor says. After he saw our passes and scanned them he let us in with a few rules of course; 1. Don't cause a commotion 2. Don't scream constantly 3. Don't throw yourself at Austin Mahone because he will NOT catch you.

"I bet some idiotic fangirl threw herself at him." Austin says while snickering. I elbowed him and continued walking until we found a crowd of girls huddled at a section. 

We got to the edge of the crowd and the girls there seemed pretty eager... 

I tapped a random girl's shoulder, "Why are we all huddled here?" I asked.

She turns around, "Because that's were Austin Mahone comes out. There are double doors over there but you really can't see it because we're really far away." The backstage was very decorated now that I got to look around, there were plush chairs and couches, a catering table, and even a punch fountain. All of it was in Austin Mahone's signature color: red.

"Have you tried getting closer?" I asked looking at all the girls around us that were just as eager as me.

"Not possible."

"Why?" I asked, I mean they were just people not a brick wall.

"When you try you will understand." She says with a shake of her head.

"Ok..." I said unsure of how I should really respond. I turned around expecting to find my friend there, but they weren't, instead they were at the food table devouring everything. Especially Austin and Josh, I think they each finished a pie of pizza. Taylor was eating cookies that they had laid out.

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