Chapter 27- Austin Vs. Tammy War

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Due to the "overly long and makes no sense if you put it together" comment from my dearest sister, I cut this chapter into 2. Don't worry, everything is posted though.


Chapter 27- Austin Vs. Tammy War

I woke up the next morning. Yes, I woke up, my eyes didn’t flutter open or any of that crap. I woke up because my phone was blaring its ringtone louder then a volcano eruption. Throwing my covers off I answered it, “Hello. Tammy is currently unavailable at this moment please call back when she can think coherently and not sleep walking.”

“Tammy!” the other person shrieked from the other line making me move the phone away from my ears, “How dare you ignore all my messages?! Where were you after lunch yesterday? I though you got kidnapped or something! Wait-- are you ok? You aren’t held in an empty warehouse are you? I’m coming to get you right n--”

“I’m not kidnapped nor am I being held in a empty warehouse, Taylor. Do you know how cliché that is? It would be held captive in a space ship, if some psychopath wanted to abduct me. I’m at my house ok? I’m fine, infact I was fine until you woke me up!” 

There was relief in her voice as she replied, “You got me so worried Tammy, you just stormed out of the cafeteria and I couldn’t find you.”  

“Did you check the bathroom next to the cafeteria?”

“No… I didn’t think you would go there since it’s so obvious.”

“Well where else could I have gone? It’s not like I could’ve gone to the bathroom on the other side of the school.” I didn’t know where the sarcasm came from, even I was a little taken aback by my harsh tone.

“Geez, you’re just a ray of sunshine aren’t you?” a hint of hurt was detected in her voice. Heck, I would be hurt too if I spoke to myself in that tone.

“Look, I’m sorry Taylor. I didn’t mean to snap at you; you were just trying to help. I don’t know what’s gotten to me.”

“It’s fine, I know you’re still upset about… everything… and everyone.” She was trying hard not to mention the whole Team Austin vs. Team Tammy thing which probably wasn’t even legit. After a silence she spoke up, “Do you want to talk about it?”

“Not really.” I told her while I got dressed; I had to wake up anyway.

“Are you coming to school today?”

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I?”

“You know, with all the pressure of the Junior Ball, Rebecca, and… everything.”

“I’ll be fine Taylor.” I assured her and myself.

“Ok, I’ll see you in a little while.”


You know, I think the person who invented the concept of putting hundreds of teens in one building was a little insane or just plain stupid. When you put a couple of teens under one roof, hell breaks loose. Yet, they think it’s totally fine putting hundreds of them against their will in one building called a school with adults who don’t see pass their classroom. It is not fine, putting them together makes them do stupid things like putting the word “bitch” on someone’s locker with toilet paper and glue.

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