Chapter 31- Weird and Chocolate Ice Cream

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Question: Do you believe teenage relationships will have a happy ending? Or will it just end up in a mess?

Answer in the comments? Comments will be greatly appreciated.

Chapter 31- Weird and Chocolate Ice Cream

I pulled up into the long driveway that led to a large modern house. Other then a few red solo cups littered on the front portch, everything looked the same, but of course I knew the inside of the house is a different story. Whenever Austin decides to throw one of his parties he makes sure that everyone is inside of the house to limit the amout of work needed for cleaning up.

This happened enough times for me to know what was about to hit me when I opened the front door--- which was usually left unlocked after these occausions. As soon as the door opened I smelled the strong alocohol, a mixture of beer, vodka, wisky, and gin; along with smoke and sweat.

I made my way into the house carefully not wanting to step on some of the people who were too drunk to drive home the night before and are passed out on the floor. I searched the whole first floor and didn't find who I was looking for.

My friends had to be somewhere in this house.

By the time I made my way upstairs I've stepped on plenty of food and stuff that should'nt be stepped on. This house was trashed... well atleast the bottom floor.

Austin's room was the second room to the right and I knocked on it, "Time to wake up."

Upon getting no response I entered the room, I entered the room.

When I pulled back the sheets I was suprised to see Taylor sleeping soundly in Austin's bed. What suprised me more was Josh was right next to her and he was curled up in a fetal position and had his back to Taylor. Yeah... definitely not a couple position. How they got into this situation, had no idea but I'm going to find out.

"Why are you guys in the same bed!" I yelled at them and then laughed when Josh's sudden jerk caused Taylor to fall off of Austin's bed.

"What?" Taylor groaned from the ground, "Don't bother me I have major hang-over." She pulled on the blanket and covered herself with it still unaware of what I said.

"Taylor! Why were you in the same bed as Josh?" I asked again.

I had no response but a couple seconds later she shot straight up, "What?!" she looked around the room and then Josh who now occupying the whole bed then herself. "Oh thank god I'm still dressed."

"Shut up, I'm trying to sleep." Josh mumbled.

I was still amused over this little situation, "Josh you slept in Austin's bed... with Taylor... and she said you were terrible."

Taylor glared at me and kicked me in the shin, hard. "I'm going to get some pain medicine."

She left the room in a hurry but I saw a faint blush on her face. Josh had this confused look on his face and when he was sure Taylor was downstairs he said, "How? We're both still dressed."

Josh was never the one to jump to conclusion, but it was still fun to watch confusion wash over his face. "Nice to see your brain is still working, sleepy head. Now we need to find Austin, who knows where he is?" I ruffled his hair which earned me a scowl and walked out of the room.

Well this is definitely going to be something I'm going to poke fun of, I smirked at that though.

It took us approximately twenty minutes to find him, but as soon as we did, I left Josh and Taylor to wake him up.

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