Chapter 22- Austin Mahone

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Chapter 22- Austin Mahone

Austin Mahone pulled me into a hug which shocked me, a celebrity was hugging me. Wow, just wow. He’s actually hugged me; his scent engulfed me and at this very moment I feel like I’m in heaven because he smell heavenly. “I didn’t know it was your birthday today.” he says when he pulled away much to my despair. Three seconds of hugging is not enough.

“Eh, I’ve had seventeen of them, but you’re actually here!” I exclaimed not believing my eyes. This is the second time today he has shown up out of no where.

“Yeah,” he nods, “But I didn’t know it was your birthday I had to attend in the last minute.”

“I didn’t know you would be coming at all.” I replied, then I turned around to my dad. “You did this for me?!” I was in complete awe.

“It is your birthday and he is in the area… it seemed convenient.” he says

“Yeah, and I’m staying in this hotel anyway.” Austin Mahone says with a shrug like it was no big deal. Yeah, no big deal for him, but a huge deal for me. “Here, I have a present for you.” he says taking out a small black box from his front pocket. 

I looked at the box then back at him, then back at the box, then his eyes. His eyes were sincere and smiling at me. I averted my gaze trying not to get caught in them. Screw my hormones and my inner fan girl.

He grabbed my wrist and dragged me outside to the balcony. Despite the summer temperatures, the night was very cool, especially since we were all the way up here and it was almost midnight. The breeze that was blowing made me shiver a little even though the air was warm. “I got this for you, I don’t know if you’re going to like it since I haven’t got a chance to know about you better. So hopefully you’ll like it, but if you don’t it’s ok.” 

An unexpected smile formed on my face and I just smiled at him while his eyes widened, “What?” 

“You’re rambling.” I stated playfully while I looked down at the streets below, we were very high up… good thing I’m not afraid of heights.

He leaned over the rail and looked downward also after a few moments he said, “Am not.”

“Are to.”

“Are we in second grade now?” he asked with an amusing smile.

“Maybe…” I said still looking down. It felt weird, to be more specific it felt weird having a normal conversation with Austin Mahone. He’s so famous and I’m so… not. Don’t famous people only interact with famous people? Yet here we are in the middle of New York City leaning over the balcony rails acting like second graders.

He cleared his throat, “Anyway, I still havn’t given you the gift yet. Close your eyes.” and I did. I felt his hand grab my left hand and when I opened my eyes I saw the prettiest silver charm bracelet. I held it up getting a closer look at it. There were five charms on it and they were all spread out evenly throughout the bracelet. One charm was the Empire State Building, another was a New York taxi cab, another was Madison Square Garden, and the last two blew me away. One said “Austin Mahone” in red letters and the other says “Loves you”. I knew he only meant it in the celebrity to fan way, not the whole I love you way, but hey, it’s a good start.

I realized he was waiting for a response from me, “Thank you, I love it.” I said honestly. Who wouldn’t love it?

“You’re welc--” 

“Austin, we still have some cake if you want some.” Taylor says popping her head through the slide doors. “Oh-- did I interrupt something?” she asked when she saw how close we were standing.

That was also when Austin and I realized how close we were standing, we each took a step away from each other. “You didn’t interrupt anything.” I assured her and she raised her eye brow like she didn’t believe me. I turned to Austin with my face a little bit red, “Uhm… we should head back in.” he nodded and followed me inside.

Once we got inside Taylor shoved a plate in Austin’s direction, “Have some cake, I made it.”

He looked taken aback by the bluntness but he took the plate, “Really?”

“No, we got it at the bakery two block down.” she says while she ate her cake.

After a few more hours or just lounging around the condo and eating cake while taking about some random crap I really don’t remember because I was too busy staring at Austin’s face, we called it a quits and decided to head to bed. Austin and I walked to the elevator, waiting for the door to open so he could go back to his hotel room since it was only nice to do so. 

“Good night Tammy. If you need anything I am literally on the other side of the elevator.” he says pointing at the other sliding door that was opening behind his back. Apparently it was him that rented half the penthouse. “Or you can call or text me.” with a wink he disappeared to his penthouse.

I stared dumbly at the elevator door, he just winked at me. With a shake of my head I headed up to my room. Tammy, you shouldn’t be that affected by everything Austin Mahone does. 

Before I got into my room, however, I passed Austin’s room. That’s when I realized he was missing when Austin Mahone and I came back from the balcony. No wonder it felt like someone was missing. Now I felt a slight guilt that I forgot he wasn’t even there, I stared at the door deciding if I should knock. After taking a deep breath I brought my hands up to the door to knock on it. Only I didn’t have to do it because Austin opened the door. My hand that were suspended in the air slowly made it’s way down. He had headphones on and he removed them when he saw me. “What are you doing?” he asked in a whisper since everyone has already went to bed.

“I was just wondering if you were ok.” I stated in a hushed voice.

“I’m fine.” he replied rigidly. One of his arms were holding the door and the other was on the side of the door frame, it made me stand awkwardly in the hall since he was blocking the doorway. 

“Oh… well good night then.” 

He nodded and walked past me and down the stairs. I just stood there a while, watching him retreat down the stairs. Was he…ok?  He wasn’t the one to lie, but that right there wasn’t the truth. Whatever it is… I can’t poke my nose into it. Sometimes…you just have to let people have their own alone time.

With that I picked up my feet and made for my room. Before I fell asleep I got a text from a number I memorized not too long ago.

“Can’t wait to show you the city tomorrow :)”


Short chapter, I know. Tell me what you think? Also, hit the vote button? It would be greatly appreciated. 

'til the next chapter MAHOMIES :D

xoxo Ginny

Published 10/16/13 *went thought spell check but unedited*

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