Chapter 32- The Two Austins

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Dedicated to @11shadesofme

Chapter 32- The Two Austins

Twelve days, 16 hours, 52 minutes, and 3 seconds… 4... 5... since I agreed on the stupid plan. They stayed together for almost two weeks! Twelve days of staring at them suck at each others faces, twelve days of unnecessary flirting. Twelve days of Amy I-don’t-even-know-her-last-name. She is a be-otch! I can’t even call her a bitch anymore because she took bitch to a new extreme.

She’s with Austin 24/7 and when I’m with him with my boyfriend (yes we are boyfriend and girlfriends now, but I’ll explain that later) Austin she shamelessly flirts with him too! She did what? She flirted with my boyfriend!  She can’t be happy with one Austin in her life can she?

Then she goes around and acts like she’s the new popular girl and hangs on to Austin’s arm like her life depends on it, and that Buttface lets her! She even had the nerves to hang out with my crew and pretend she‘s already one of us! Yeah no, you will never be one of us because all of us hate you except Austin but that doesn’t count because he’s probably just using you. Boy, I was pissed at that bitch.

Of course Rebecca glared at her the whole time and Taylor tried cheer me up and tried to distract me from that annoying red head, but it didn’t work because she’s literally right there in front of me every time I look up.

Now I may sound jealous, but I’m not. Wouldn’t you be pissed if someone just walked into your life and took everything that was once yours? Your friend, your best friend, and your life?! Ok, she didn’t take over my life, but if she had a chance she probably would.

“Tammy you ok?” Taylor whispers at me while I glared at that bitch.

“I will be when she leaves.” I replied back drilling my eyes at her annoying red hair that she twirled around.

Today was a sunny day and we were all spending our afternoon in a café that served amazing bubble tea and shaved ice. Too bad Amy was going to ruin my whole summer.

“I don’t know… Austin’s never been with a girl for that long.” Taylor replied looking at the couple who were feeding each other rainbow colored shaved ice.

Taylor didn’t know about the whole deal I had with Rebecca so she had no idea that Austin had came to me a couple times in the past week asking me if he should break up with her. Even though it was painful to the eyes to see them together, I managed to convince Austin not to dump her. That’s basically why they are still together, but to the rest of the world they seem like they are in love. Or atleast one of them is inlove. 

“He’ll dump her eventually.” I finally said.

Taylor looked unconvinced and drank her bubble tea.

“Don’t you think it would be so, like, cool if we all, like, went on a triple dinner date?” Amy suddenly addressed us out of no where and I almost stuck my finger down my throat.

“Not really, I mean dinner dates aren’t my thing.” especially if you are there, cough, cough.

“Common Tammy, when have you ever gone on a double date? Never? You should go, it’ll be fun.” Austin, my best friend, said. Funny how Josh said the same thing to me about the dance and then look how that turned out? Public humiliation is not something I want to try again. 

“I think we should go.” Austin, my boyfriend, said and he nudged his knee into mine under the table and gave me a pouty smile.

I looked at him for three seconds before giving in, “Fine.”

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