Chapter 3: Love Triangle

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Ashlee's P.O.V

Groupchat, 6:58PM, Monday September 8th, 2014

Me: Well that was a fun movie to see!

Mase💕: It was, though I feel the burger I got there gave me a stomach ache though. 😷😢

Leafy: When's the next movie we are going to watch?

Ellebelle: How about Saturday?

Kellieee: I can't then, Cheer Practice.

Me: Well Friday I think we can around 6ish?

Kellieee: Sounds good to me!

Me: When are you girls getting here?

Izzay: I'll be there any minute, I keep getting red lights.

Kellieee: Just arrived I'm parked outside.

Ellebelle: I'm next to you so... 😂😂

Me: okay I'll see you guys in a bit then, good night boys!

Mase💕: good night love, night girls!

JJ: good night

Leafy: sleep tight

Nickles: Don't let the bedbugs bite! 😂😂

Annie: Weirdos....


I love these group of kids so much, even if they drive me crazy!

I ran down the stairs and to the door Ellie following me close behind. Once I get to the door I look to see Kellie already walking inside.

"Hey girls! Imma get food real quick one sec!" Kellie laughed as she ran to the kitchen.

Ellie shut the door rolling her eyes at Kellie in a playful manner, we both started walking toward the kitchen where we saw Kellie stuffing her face with a bag of Cheetos.

"Some things never change, do they?"

"Not with me! But come on, who doesn't love Cheetos!?!"

"She has a point, you've been eating a crap ton lately Ash!"

Okay so she had a point, I've been eating a lot more lately but I'm not sure why, I'm blaming it on getting my time, also known as the bloody Niagara Falls.

"When is Izzy getting here?" Kellie asked sitting at the counter with the bag of Cheetos.

"She said in a bit, a lot of red li-"


"-ghts, never mind, she's here, spoke too soon." Ellie said walking out of the room to the hall where the door is.

I sat with Kellie as she looked down into the Cheetos bag looking for more since she was getting to the very bottom of the bag.

"Ash I don't know what to do..." Kellie said her head droopy.

"Well you could put the Che-"

"You know that not what I meant."

"I know, well, I have a few ideas we can try to do to see if that would work."

Kellie nodded still looking into the bag. She soon got up heading toward the cabinet and grabbed a bowl to pour the chips into. It made me chuckle slightly as she did that.

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