Chapter 1

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Justice sat in her car looking at the school she hated and didn't want to return to, but she promised her foster parents she would walk into this place with her head held high and not let the past define who she is now. After getting hit by that truck on the last day of school last year because of one Harry Styles, she ended up spending 3 weeks in the hospital. After multiple questions about where all the bruises came from her parents were arrested for child abuse and when she was released she was placed into an amazing home with a couple that actually had her best interest at heart. The best thing of all about Momma Jo and Daddy Bo was they were both into body building and Justice has learned a lot once she healed from her injuries. Not only that but now her braces were gone and her new parents insisted on getting her contacts so her beautiful eyes would show. At this point, if she could kick Daddy Bo's ass, and he was 6'5 so Harry Styles didn't stand a chance if he decided to pick on her now, if he even recognized her. With a sigh Justice opens her car door and walks toward the school entrance.

Harry sat in his car looking at the school he hated now. After everything that happened the year before he was no longer the same guy he was before. He spent the summer damn near a recluse. The only people he talked to was his parents, who had no idea why he was acting the way he was, they were just glad he was. And Louis Tomlinson his best friend since grade school, who was also glad about the changes in his long time friend. Louis was the only one who knew how much seeing Justice getting hit affected Harry. The rest of the school was about to find out, yeah he looked the same, but if they expected him to be the big bad bully, they were going to be highly disappointed. Getting out of his car Harry made his way to the school entrance.
Walking down the hallway toward his locker, Harry sees the fearful looks shot in his direction and some lustful ones, he ignores them all and continues to his destination. Once there he opens his locker and puts everything in there he doesn't need and closes it back up then lean against it to wait for the others to show up.
He might as well let them know now how much he's changed and get it over with.

"Hey, Harry." Louis says. "You telling everyone what we discussed over the summer?" He asks.

"Yep. They want to continue with that shit fine, but I'm done." Harry says with a shrug.

"Hey, Styles. Where the fuck you been all summer man?" Patrick asks. "Did you hear about that girls parents? The one that got hit? They were arrested for abuse." He says. "Dude that's messed up, here we were fucking picking on her and pushing her around all the fucking time and she was going home to be beat on by her own parents." Patrick says.

Harry's heart skips a beat at hearing that and he pales. Looking around he sees the whole crew looking at him. "I'm done guys. No more bullying. After what happen last year, I can't do it. Justice could have died because of us."

"Oh come on Styles, she's fine from what I heard. You gonna let something like that knock you off your game.?" Daniel asks.

"You want the title Daniel, fine take it." Harry says. "But I'm out, we are no longer friends if you continue picking on people. And I'll do what I can to stop you if I see you doing it." Harry says.

"I'm with Harry." Louis says. "I never liked picking on people anyway." He adds.

"Hell Harry the bitch is probably uglier now than she was before with the way she hit that road." Daniel and several of the the others laughed, not realizing Justice was standing across the hall hearing every word.

"Look just shut up." Harry snaps. "I said I'm done. Those of you who want to still be assholes go with Daniel, but get out of my sight. The rest is welcome to stay here until the bell rings if you want, but I hear one word of teasing out of you about anyone your gone." Harry warns them all.
Harry was disappointed when over half his friends left and went with Daniel. The only ones left was Louis, Liam, Niall, Patrick and Josh, which was fine with him. Maybe with their new attitude they would draw more people to them, better people, and start setting a good example for people in this place.

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