Chapter 5

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Christmas break

Harry parks his car in its usual spot in the school parking lot but leaves it running for the heat while he waits for all the others to arrive. This was the last day of school, then they were out for Christmas break for almost a month. Nothing was said about their expanding group getting together during the break and continuing to spend time together and working out it was just pretty much a given that's what they were going to do, but for Harry he hoped to spend most of his time with Justy. Hell everyone assumed they were a couple by the way they acted, but they weren't, not officially. He wanted to change that though, it was getting harder and harder to hide how much he like her, and he had no clue if she felt the same way or not. There was some days, while teaching their classes, he wanted to walk up to her and kiss her until neither one of them could breath.
Harry was just about to send Justice a text when he heard the distinctive sound of her car pulling up beside his.

Justice was freezing, she had no clue what was wrong with her car, but for some reason the heater wasn't working, so by the time she got to school she felt like a block of ice. Seeing Harry sitting in his car as she parked next his looking nice and warm, Justice quickly jumps from her car to his.
"Oh my God, it's so fucking cold." Justice cries rubbing her hands together in front of the heater vents.

"You not give your car time to warm up?" Harry chuckles.

With teeth chattering, and her body literally shaking, Justice shakes her head. "Heater isn't working for some reason. Damn." She says wrapping her arms around herself.

"Shit, Justy, come here." Harry says, pulling her onto his lap and wrapping his arms around her, taking both her hands into his much larger ones. "Better?" He whispers.

Snuggling into Harry's body heat, Justice lays her head on his shoulder and nods. "Much, you're so warm. The only bad thing is we have to go back out there and get cold again to get into the school." She chuckles.

"That's alright, I'll just warm you up again when we get to class." Harry laughs.

"Or you can just carry me in and I don't have to lose the heat radiating off you now." Justice counters.

Harry chuckles and kisses the top of her head. "Or I can do that." He agrees. Hugging her closer when he feels her still shivering. They were sitting there talking quietly when Harry hears someone tap on his hood, looking up they see everyone standing there waiting for them so they could enter the school together like always. Shutting his car off Harry gets out, still holding Justy in his arms, he wraps his jacket around her and heads toward the building.

"Justy's feet not working today?" Patrick asks.

Harry grins. "Nope." He says causing her to giggle. Walking into class Harry sits down keeping Justy in his lap.

Niall nudges Tina and laughs. "Guess her ass hurts too, and the chairs is to hard for her to sit in."

"Come on guys leave her alone." Harry says. "Her car heater is broken and she's freezing, I'm just helping warm her up."

"That's very honorable of you Mr. Styles." The teacher says as she walks into the room. "Since this is the last day before our break, I'm going to put in this movie and you can do as you want. As long as you stay in this room and don't cause a problem."

The rest of the day pretty much went the same way. By the time the last class of the day rolls around, Justice knew her mad dash to school in her freezing cold car has caused her to develop a splitting headache, stuffy nose and sore throat. Sitting in the gym beside Harry, Justice sneezes for the third time and Harry looks at her, he notices her flushed cheeks and watery eyes. Reaching out he places his hand on her forehead, she was burning up.
"Shit, babe." Harry whispers. "Why didn't you tell me you were sick?"

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