Chapter 7

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Harry and Justice spent the rest of the night getting in and out of the tub, so when 9am came around and her fever finally broke they were both so tired they crashed on the sofa while everyone else was watching movies. When Justice's phone rings it was Louis who answers it and explains to Bo and Jo what happened during the night and that yes Justy seems fine now, and yes unfortunately it was still snowing, no nobody was attempting to leave, there was plenty of food and the rest of them were fine so far.
Around noon Harry and Justice final wake up to the smell of food cooking. Raising his hand Harry places it on Justice's forehead to see if her fever has returned, she felt slightly warm but not hot.

"How you feeling?" Harry asks her as he sits up.

Justice opens her mouth to answer him but nothing comes out. Frowning she tries again, still nothing, looking up at Harry she mouths "I can't talk".

"Oh babe, I'm so sorry. Here." Harry says grabbing her phone. "You can text what you want, or we can download that app and it can say what you need." He says. At her nod that's what he does. When it's done he hands her phone back to her.

Justice takes her phone and type. "I'm hungry." Then grins.

Harry chuckles. "Okay come on." He says taking her hand and they walk to the kitchen where the others were.

Louis was the first to notice them. "Hey guys you get enough sleep?"

Justice typed into her phone. "Still tired but I'll survive."

"What the hell, you playing around with new apps?" Niall laughs.

"No, she can talk. At all." Harry says. "So until her voice come back that's her only means of communication."

Just the Justice's phone rings, she looks down at it and sees it's Jo so she hands it to Harry to answer. "Hello?"

"Harry, is Justy still sleeping?" Jo asks.

"No, Jo, she's here with me but she can't talk, she's lost her voice, she can only text." Harry tell her.

"Oh that poor child. Well if you want to fix her some tea with lemon and honey in it that might help." Jo says. "That's what my grandma used to fix us when we were kids."

"Okay Jo, I'll try that thanks." Harry smiles as he hangs the phone up. Harry tell Justice what Jo said and she gets up and shows him where the stuff is he needs to make the tea.
For the rest of the day Harry makes sure she has a full cup at all times. By bed time he voice is at a low whisper.

(Spring break )

"Hey guy, what are you planning on doing for spring break?" Louis asks everyone as they all sit talking during their last day of school at lunch.

"I'm going to California with my parents to visit my sister." Liam says.

"I'm not doing anything, just hanging out around here, spending time with Tina and her family." Niall says. "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to Georgia with my parents." Louis says then looks at Harry and Justice. "What about you two, you have plans?"

Harry nods and glances down at his and Justice's linked hands and her still bare finger. "Yeah, we're going to the beach. Jo and Bo owns a house there, we're going to spend the week there."

"By yourselves? No parents?" Mary asks.

Justice nods. "Bo and Jo are going to Texas with Anne and Robin for the week. We didn't want to go so Jo said we could stay at the beach house if we wanted to." She smiles.

"In fact." Bo says putting a hand on each of the couples shoulders. "I just signed you both out, with Anne's permission, so you can get started on your vacation now. Jo would like for you two to get to your location before dark." Bo smiles. "Now get out of here and go get your bags and have fun."

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