Chapter 6

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Harry was just walking out of the kitchen to yell at Justice to let her know the food was almost ready when he heard a thumping noise, running into the livingroom he finds her lying in a heap at the bottom of the stairs not moving. Running over to her Harry carefully rolls her over and moves her hair out of her face, checking for injuries and not seeing any he slides one arm under her knees and the other her shoulders and picks her up and carries her to the sofa, Harry then sits down with her on his lap and rocks her.
"Please baby, be okay." Harry says not realizing he was crying, or that Louis and Liam had let themselves in and was watching their big, tough friend have a mini melt down over the small girl in his arms.

Justice wakes up to something dripping onto her cheek, not knowing what it could be she slowly opens her eyes and sees, much to her surprise, Harry crying and mumbling something she couldn't quit understand. Reaching up Justice wipes the tears off Harry's cheeks causing him to freeze and look at her.

"Oh, thank God." Harry cries, hugging her closer. "You okay?" He asks.

"Yeah, I think so." Justice says. "I just had a dizzy spell, I was going to yell for you, and I'm not sure what happen. Why were you crying?" She asks.

Harry snorts. "Are you kidding? I come in here and find you laying at the foot of the steps. You scared the shit out of me." Harry says. "Damnit, Justy seeing you like that reminded me of when you got hit last year." He tells her as fresh tears roll down his face. "Once was bad enough twice is to much, especially now that I love you." Harry says hugging her tight.

"You love me?" Justice asks.

"Of course I do." Harry says.

"Oh God." Justice cries throwing her arms around his neck. "I love you too. I wasn't sure how you felt though."

Harry pulls back a little and looks at her, he then leans down and kisses her like he's been wanting to for a while now. "Now you know." He whispers.

"Yes I do, and you're going to get sick." Justice smiles.

"Trust me, it's worth it." Harry says kissing her again.

Louis and Liam back up and walk back out the door shutting it softly, Louis the raises his hand and knocks really loud and reopens the door and yells, smirking at Liam. "Get dressed you two we're coming in." Then Louis gets smacked in the face by the pillow Justice threw as he walks through the doorway. "What the hell?" Louis sputters causing Justice to giggle and Harry to laugh.

"Good aim there babe." Harry chuckles.

"Hey, that's rude, see if I give you guys a heads up again." Louis laughs. "You feeling better Justy?" He asks.

"I was, I think my fever back on the rise." She tells them.

"Oh here." Liam says. "Mom says ibuprofen is better than Tylenol for fevers, we stopped and got you some." He says as he threw Harry the bottle.

"Aww, thanks guys." Justice says as she stands and gives her friends a hug. "Where's Niall and Tina?"

"He's swinging by to pick up Sara and Mary. It's on his way, they should be here anytime." Liam says.

"Okay, well mom dropped of some chicken soup and lasagna there plenty food here for a small army." Harry says as they all walk toward the kitchen. Harry goes the fridge and pulls out a bottle of water and hands in to Justice then hands her the medicine to help with her fever. He then sits down and pulls her onto his lap.

"Is that your mom's lasagna I smell, Harry?" Niall asks as he and the other 3 girls walk in.

"Yep." Harry laughs. "Don't worry Sara there's chicken soup too." He says knowing the girl didn't like tomatoes.

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