Chapter 4

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After waking up, taking her shower and getting her contacts in, Justice starts looking through her closet to try and find something to wear when she sees a pair of black skinny jeans and remembers Harry's text from the night before. Grabbing the jeans she then goes the her dresser and grabs her black tank top and socks, reaching under the bed she pulls out her black boots and gets dressed. The Masters were already gone so all she did was grab a banana, her keys and jump in her car and head to the school herself.
Justice pulls into the school parking lot and sees Harry sitting on his car talking to Louis and Patrick. She also sees they left a space beside his open, she's assuming, for her car so she steers her brand new 2016 Dodge Challenger into the spot and shuts it off. Getting out of the car she sees Harry pull his sunglasses down his nose a little so he could look over the top of them and gave a whistle.

"Damn nice car there, Justice." Louis says. "I have to agree with Harry there."

Harry throws his head back with a throaty laugh. "Lou I wasn't whistling at the car." He says causing Justice to blush. Holding his hand out Harry helps Justice up onto his car so she could sit beside him while they wait for the others. It didn't long for the rest of group to show up.

"So what did you two come up with last night?" Louis asks now that everyone was there. "Justice did the Masters like our plan?"

"They loved it, in fact.." Justice started.

"Bo ended up giving us the keys to the gym so we can carry that plan out..." Harry continues.

"But we told them we had already decided that we were doing this as team." Justice finishes.

Suddenly Tina starts giggling, and hides her face in Niall's side. "Sorry." She chuckles. "I know we all got the memo to dress in black, but did the rest of us miss the one about the tank and boots too?" She asks waving at Harry and Justice causing the rest of the groups eyes to widen and Harry and Justice to look at each other in awe.

"Okay you two are starting to creep me out, not only did you just finish each others sentences, but you are dressing alike." Liam says.

"We did not." They both say at the same time.

"And now you can add that to the list." Liam laughs.

Harry shakes his head. "Shut up, and let's go." He says grabbing Justice's hand. "Justy, you and Tina walk in the middle, the rest of us on the outside." Harry says using the nickname he picked up from Bo the night before. The thing is the teen were unaware of the attention they were drawing just walking across the parking lot to the building. When they all walked into the school side by side, all dressed in black, the entire hallway went totally quiet, and everyone just watched them. Justice reaches out without realizing it and grabs Harry's hand, and he just laces their fingers together and keeps pace with her shorter stride like it was something they do every day. By the time they reached the hallway that held all their lockers there was a buzz of talking going on behind them.
It didn't take long for them to hear the distinctive sound of a body hitting a locker and Daniel voice ringing out through the hallway.

"What the fuck did you just say, you nerd." Daniel snaps as he slams a small girl against a locker shocking even some of the guys in his group.

Having the breath knocked out of her she couldn't speak but the guy in front of her didn't seem to care and he slapped her and yelled at her again.

Hearing what was going on Justice was the first to take off running with Harry catching up fast. They both rounded the corner at the same time to see Daniel slap the girl he held against the locker. "Hey asshole." They both yell at the same time, getting his attention.

By the time Daniel turns to look the rest of the group had caught up, and they looked quiet impressive all standing there, all dressed in black, ready to take on anyone who challenged them. Harry nudged Justice, so she stepped forward. "You want to try that with someone not so impressed with your postering and not one bit afraid of you?" She asks.

"Aww, you mean your body guard is gonna let you fight me?" Daniel laughs.

Justice and Harry laughs. "Oh Dan she doesn't need me to act as her body guard." Harry says, then looks at her fondly. "Justy can be mine though."

"Deal, Haz." Justice says patting Harry on the ass and winking at him causing his heart rate to speed up slightly. But that wasn't the only problem, he just hoped no one else noticed that. "So Dan you think you can pick on people weaker, and smaller than you, come on." Justice says stepping forward and motioning him toward her.

Daniel laughs and let's the girl he still had ahold of go and walks toward the bitch that embarrassed him the day before. Thinking he could surprise her he rushes the last few step and swings at her, but Justice was expecting this and ducked. On her way back up she balls up her fist and punches Daniel in the balls as hard as she could, as he went down her knee goes up and connects with his nose. Justice knows she broke it because she felt the crunch. When Daniel landed on his ass Harry finally steps up. Putting both arms around her waist Harry looks around at all the shocked faces. Justice turns and pulls him down and whispers in his ear, nodding her let's her go and she walks to the girl that Daniel had abused earlier.
"Any of you here who are tired of assholes like him, and I used to be, picking on you can meet us in the gym after school." Harry announces. "We will tell you how we might be able to help you learn how to do what Justy just did." Harry states. "Babe she okay?"

"Yeah, Sara's fine, but we're walking her to class." Justice says.

"That's fine, but we'll be late if we don't start that way now." Harry says.

"It's fine Haz, she's in our first period class." She tells them.

Harry smiles and nods, he puts his arm around the girl he now knows as Sara and grabs Justice's hand and laces their fingers together. When they got to class Justice looks at Sara. "Let me see your schedule Sara. We need to figure out if you have classes with any of us throughout the day..."

"That way Justy and I or one of these guys can protect you..." Harry adds.

"After what just happened I'm afraid you may have a target on your back now..." Justice says this time.

"You really need to come to the gym after school and hear what we have to say." Harry finishes.

Sara's head kept turning back and forth between the couple, if they were a couple, if not they should be. She then looks at the rest of the guys in the group. "Do they do that shit all the time?" She asks.

Liam is the first to laugh. "Yep, and that's not all just wait til you're around them more." He smirks looking at Harry and Justice with an "I told you" look.

The rest of the day went fairly uneventful until Harry, Justice, Liam and Sara was just about to walk into the gym after going to their lockers. That's when Niall, Josh and Patrick came running around the corner. Niall yells out. "Math hall, Dan's and Pam's group on one girl it's bad." He says then they all turn and run off again.

Sara stood back and watched in awe as Harry and Justice jumps in and starts fight off the guys and girls that were beating up the girl on the floor. That seemed to be their main target, to get to the victim, but it wasn't just that, everything they did were mirrors of each other and they were clueless of that fact. Once they got all the guys beating up on the poor girl away from her Harry and Justice sent her running to Sara and out of harms way and continued to work through the mess to the leaders. When Daniel and Pam saw them they took off running leaving the rest of the group to fend for themselves. Once everyone else realized the leaders left they scattered.
Louis walks up to the girl that had been beaten up on picks her up and carries her toward the gym, Justice holds the door open for him while Harry run to Bo's office and grabs the first aid kit. By the time he got back out to the main part of the gym the were about 8 other students sitting on the bleachers waiting.
While Justice and Sara patched up Mary, Harry told the one that showed up what their plan was on stopping the bullying in this school by teaching everyone who wanted to learn self-defense techniques. He told them they could learn all this for free at the gym down the road. If they were interested they could all meet them there now and they could discuss a good schedule and they could pass the info to their friends if they thought they might be interested also.

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