Chapter 2

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When the bell rang signaling the end of class Justice took her time collecting her things, letting Daniel and his group exit the room ahead of her so she could keep an eye on them. Right now she wasn't to worried about Harry and his small group. Deciding to forgo going to her locker Justice heads straight to her next class hoping she won't have to put up with none of the same crap in every class. Boy are these guys going to shocked to find out the new gym teachers were her foster parents she thought with a slight smile as she slipped into a seat in the back of the class. Feeling her phone buzz in her pocket she pulls it out and sees a message from Momma Jo.
Daddy Bo heard what happened already and wanted to know if she was okay, if she wanted him to come see her. Smiling at that Justice sends her a message back telling her she was fine so far and would see them last period unless she has a problem.

"Don't tell me you actually have friends who like you enough to text you." Justice hears as she puts her phone back in her pocket. Raising her head Justice sees one of the girls that always hung out the most with Harry the year before. "Now who would be stupid enough to be wanting to talk to you?" Pam asks.

Harry steps into his next class and hears the annoying voice of one his ex girlfriends Pam, glancing over at Niall and seeing him nod Harry knows he's got his back. They both walk straight to the group of girls surrounding Justice and he pushes his way through.

"Hey Harry, where were you all summer?" Pam asks, placing her hand on his arm. "Thought we were going to hang out some?"

Harry looks at her and shrugs knocking her hand off his arm ignoring her question, he then turns to Justice and winks. "Hey, you get my message?" He asks her.

Justice wasn't sure what Harry was doing but she would play along for now. So she waved her phone in the air slightly. "Just did." She says as she slides the seat next her out so he could sit down. "I told you I'd save you a seat you didn't have to remind me." Justice adds.

Sitting down beside her Harry motions for Niall to sit on the other side. "Didn't want you to forget." Harry says, as he took her phone from her hand from where she had it under the table and added his number to her contact list, he then passed it Niall so he could do the same. Harry then slowly takes his phone out of his pocket and hands it to her, with a shrug she adds her number to his phone and hands it back to him.

Putting her hands on her hips Pam laughs. "No way. Harry there is no way you're going to make me believe you and her." Pam says waving at the two of them sitting together.

Harry holds his hand up. "Don't finish that statement Pam. Just do us all a huge favor and take your so called friends and go sit and leave us alone." He says.

Niall glances at one of the girls he was seeing over the summer, wondering if she was going to stay with Pam or pick him.

Seeing the look in Harry's eyes Pam decided not to push her luck right now, she would get the bitch later. "Girls come on." Pam snaps.

Tina looks at Pam then Niall. "No, Pam." Tina says. "I'm tired of you telling everyone around you what to do. Expecting everyone to jump, I'm done." She says as she sits down next to Niall.

"Oh, I don't think so Tina. Nobody leaves my crew." Pam snaps grabbing the girls arm.

Harry didn't know what to do, he didn't want to be that guy anymore. The one to hurt girls anymore, well Justice on the other hand had no problem taking up for Tina. Reaching out quickly Justice grabs Pams wrist that was holding the other girls arm, and with the right amount of pressure in the right place Pam had no choice but to let Tina go, her hand went numb almost instantly.

Snatching her hand away from the other girls grip, Pam rubs her hand to get the feeling back in it. "Fine, stay. But don't come crying to me later wanting back in the cooler group when you realize you fucked up." Pam says stomping off shaking her hand.

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