Falling down

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I had been walking for at least and hour by now and still no sign of a person willing to help you. "Hello... Is anyone there?" You muttered with sarcasm it was 12:00 of course no one was there. You walked a little longer until you tripped over something and fell for what seemed like hours. " what the!!" You scream almost loud enough to make a person death. You fall onto some golden flowers breaking your fall. You curse under your breath and look up to see a... Flower with a face. It stared at you for a while " Howdy, I'm Flowey, Flowey the flower your new down here aren't you?" Flowey said with a smile. Which was creepy as hell "uhh I'm (y/n) (l/n) and yes I guess I am new here." You replied back while looking around. You were talking to a flower, a freaking flower. " I guess I will have to show you how things work down here, This is your soul." Flowey said as a small red heart appears in front of you. "It starts out small but it gets strong by gaining lv what is lv? well it is love of course!" Flowey said cheerfully. Suddenly you felt like something was going on. " here I'll share some with you" he said, as soon as little white balls went at you. You caught them, yep but they hurt you. "Owww" you screeched, Flowey laughed like a retard hit by a car. (A/n. I don't know why though lol). It happened so fast as a fireball hit him slamming him somewhere and you blacked out.

Are you alright child?

If you want me to continue please tell me. Or give me ideas for other stories

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