Oh no

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A/n: so only my friends wanted this continued which makes me very sad and think you guys don't like my work so I might take this down. Just telling you that now

You woke up in a dark room, which to you was not a first counting the times your mother stuffed you in a closet which was totally not your fault. You looked at the dark place, you were on a bed there was a closet and dresser next to each other dresser being closest. It looked like toriel's house from just the room, but it was darker than the actual room and made you change you changed your mind. Someone walks in shortly after you take the moment to look around. Your gaze went from a picture to the figure. "Awake aren't we?" Chara said sweetly, you stared realizing this was this was the guy who took you. "Why am I here?" You ask quietly, he smirked and walked over to the picture. He took a red marker and scribbled off Toriel on it. He looked back at you and sat on the bed. "Well, frisk was definitely not going to corporate with my plans." He said looking to a purple and blue sweater. Your (e/c) widened, he had killed this frisk person. You wondered why for a moment before something began to play with your (h/l/h/c) hair. " your hair is soft, and pretty." Chara said running his fingers through it. You just sat still as he hummed a tone, after a good 30 minutes he got up and opened the door motioning you to follow. So you did he told you to sit on the couch, which you did and he walked to another room. He came back with bacon and chocolate chip pancakes.
(A/n: totally worth staying with a killer :3)

You ate them quickly be you, you would eat fast if you couldn't even eat for 5 hours. He watched you smiling like a psychopath, oh wait isn't he already one?you smiled at your own thought, quickly snapped out of your mind when you noticed chara was gone. You worried a bit, did he leave you? Wait what did you just think, you couldn't possibly... Like him?

That's my first mistake here

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