Chapter 2: Birthday Blues

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Jeremy Sumpter is Jason. He was my childhood celebrity crush.

Thank you for reading and enjoy the chapter (:

Jason's Pov:
"Jason! Get your ass out here! We are swamped." Scarlett yelled from behind the door. I rushed to put my shirt on and push my hair out of my face.

"I'm coming woman, calm your tits!" I yelled back at her. I put my clothes in my bag and walked out into the dining area. I saw my best friend's fiery, red hair on the other side of the diner the second I walked out.

It was morning and this was the exact time where every single person in the area came to get breakfast. It was Saturday and this was as busy as it gets.

I automatically went and got my apron and my notepad and went to my section. "Hi, my name is Jason. What can I get you?" Smiling at the older couple at the table.

"Hi, sweetie. Can we get two coffees and two orders of pancakes and sausage please?" The sweet old lady asked me.

I nodded and grinned "No problem. I'll be right back with your coffee." I walked over to the counter and put the ticket on the clip. I went over and grabbed the pot of coffee and filled two mugs. I got some cream, milk and sugar and took it over to the couple. They thanked me and I moved on to the next table.

This went on until eleven, we were constantly busy until now. We had a little time before we had somewhat of a lunch rush. "Man, I fucking hate Saturday mornings." Scarlett said from behind me. She worked every other Saturday, and she hated every second of it.

Scarlett was my best and really only friend. We met a few months ago when she got a job here. We instantly clicked. "I know, but it wasn't that bad today. At least we didn't get any bitchy teenage groups, it was mostly old folks."

"True. We'll get the teenagers at lunch or tonight." She grumbled out. She wasn't the most social human being. She liked adults and senior citizens, but rotten teenagers weren't her strong suit. She was a mature nineteen year old, but she was a bit antisocial.

"You like serving them because you hit on anything with a penis." Scarlett chuckled.

"They really aren't that bad, you just have to ignore the lustful looks the guys give you." I told her wiggling my eyebrows. She was absolutely stunning in every way when it came to looks, I couldn't find a flaw in her.

She scoffed and slapped my shoulder. "They can look all they want but I only have one man in my life. I'm sure if they saw Phoenix, they would be running to Ethiopia."

"Ethiopia?" I questioned, raising my eyebrows.

She scowled and waved me off. "It was the first place that came to mind that was far away. Don't judge me!"

I just laughed at her and started wiping the tables. She wasn't wrong, I was a flirt, but I never slept with them. I find it hard to trust people. Scarlett is my only true friend and I really don't have family.

I flirt, but it's harmless. Really, I'm all bark and no bite. Still, I would never even flirt with someone in a relationship, I have boundaries.

I walked over to the ketchup dispenser and started filling up the bottles. "How is Phoenix?" I asked. Phoenix was obviously Scar's boyfriend. One hell of a guy and it was obvious she was smitten with him.

She grew her special smile that seemed to be reserved for him. "He's great! He's been pretty tired lately though." She grumbled.

I gave her a knowing grin and winked. "Not getting any, huh?"

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