Chapter 3: Present

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Evan Peters as Charlie. I have a slight obsession with him since I am in the process of watching the first season of AHS......OMFG!

Thank you for reading and enjoy the chapter(:

Ace's Pov:
5 years later~
"Move your asses men! I want to see you sweat!" I yelled at the young men. Five years ago, I was just like them. I was temporarily reassigned to do this against my will. Soon, I'll be back in the field where I belong. It's not that I had a problem doing this, but I had a lot of important things going on back at the base.

I was going back tonight and I was both looking forward to and dreading my return. Five years ago I was liked, I had friends, I had comrades and I was respected. Now I have Charlie, I was ignored like the plague unless they needed me and they only respected me in front of superiors.

It was like high school, these were men that were in there early twenties, some older, ignoring me like children. But still I let it roll off of my back and I continued to protect them as the leader and commander of our little group.

I watched as the men ran and I could see the look of determination on their faces. These men were like statues, they were blank. It almost made me feel bad, I haven't seen one man smile or laugh. It's as if their home lives had changed them so much that they can't even fake a smile. These are young men that came here to escape reality.

I continued to watch them run the course with barely any mistakes. It was incredible really, they were all lined up in a perfect line and none of them complained or talked. I was stunned by there maturity, or were they just numb?

"Nice work men! This is your last day, back to the bunker, pack up and be ready before nightfall!" I commanded.

"Yes, sir!" They all yelled in unison and marched back with promise to follow my orders. They were all going to be good contributions to the United States, I could feel it.

I went back to the quarters where my bags and ticket were waiting for me. "Thank you for your time and cooperation, Mr. Reynolds. It has been a pleasure." Their sergeant said to me.

"It has been a privilege, sir." I replied before shaking his hand, saluting and walking straight away and off of the property. There was a car waiting for me and I was on my way to the airport.

I was going back, and I had no idea what was waiting for me.

I made it back without a problem, I walked into the quarters and was welcomed with silence. I walked over to my bed and laid my bag down. "The fairy has returned." I heard someone mumble and then a few snickers. I didn't give them the satisfaction of a comeback. I continued to unpack in silence.

"Hey sexy." I smiled at the sound of Charlie's voice.

"Hey. How are you and how's Vanessa?" I asked while giving him a hug. He had a new wife at home and a baby on the way. He went on leave his second year here, met her and before I knew it, he was married and was having a baby.

His face lit up. "She's beautiful as always. She sent me a picture of the sonogram." He showed me the picture in his pocket. It didn't look much yet, but it was still a beautiful moment.

"You look happy. Congratulations again buddy." I told him.

"I can't wait to go home and see both of my babies." He said with a smile. He's going home soon, two months to be exact.

"It'll go by quick." I assured him. "I hope so" He sighed.

We were going on an exhibition soon, It was dangerous but they always are. But I think this one worried him, if he didn't make it, he would be leaving something behind. It was different if you had something to go home to. If it was just you, dying didn't seem to have as much significance. 

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