Chapter 9

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Julia didn't hesitate to sped and blow through stop signs just to make it to the shop before Clemons. She hated him, with a passion, and she refused to give him even the slightest advantage; especially after what he had done to her last time. Arriving with time to spare she opened the front door and put on a pot of coffee for herself. Her face throbbed as she breathed and moved around behind the counter, unable to ignore it or smoke again to relieve the pain until she returned home.

"You're late you prick," she hissed bitterly. "Not that it matters." Julia added knowing she had little else to do at the moment.

The bell above the door jingled excitedly, alerting Julia of Clemons' arrival, and a heavy sigh left her lips as she greeted him. "Guess someone didn't think you were all that funny," he pointed to her nose.

"Looks like someone agrees with you," she smiled and handed him his money. "Two, as usual."

Inhaling, a sharp hiss leaving his lips as he did, Clemons shook his head. "You and Charlie with this two shit," he scoffed. "He refuses to pay me more."

"Sucks," she shrugged. "If you want out, let me know, it's fine if you don't think it's worth the risk."

"It's not but I like money," he explained. "I know what happened today, Mayans, right?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," she reached for her coffee. "I walked into a door, shoulda been born a blonde I guess."

"Speaking of blonds, how is Jax Teller?"

It didn't matter how cool she played it or how hard she denied, Clemons saw them together numerous times. He worked every angle he could to make as much money as possible. He just had to find the highest bidder now that he had something to sell.

"I saw him this morning," she said casually. "His shop inspected my car and we stopped by the Diosa car wash, he seemed like he was doing well."

"You saw him last night too," Clemons wagged his eyebrows. "You two have been seeing a lot of each other." He smirked a little. "Can't seem to keep your hands off each other. That quickie at Diosa the other week was hot."

With pursed lips and a tense jaw, she glared at him, terrified and furious, and completely unsure of what to do next. The detail proved he wasn't bluffing so Julia had to go along. "Okay, you little pervert, what's your end game?"

"Getting some cash," he chuckled. "You can either up this," he shook the bag in her face, "Or I can go to Charlie and see how much it's worth to him. He made it known he doesn't want Teller involved with you, he doesn't trust him, and now we know he shouldn't trust you."

"So you just spied on me, hoping I'd fall on his dick?"

Clemons laughed and shook his head. "That's the beauty of it, I didn't think you were a duplicitous slut but low and behold, that landed in my lap. Charlie should know you're not loyal."

Julia didn't panic, she knew she had to simply shut him up, and deal with it later. "How much do you want?"

"We can start with five," he smirked smugly.

"Fine, five." She scurried to the back and when she returned, gun in hand, out the swinging door she screwed her eyes shut and fired.

Clemons hissed, the bullet slicing through his shoulder, and went for her with a deep growl. "You fucking whore," were his last words. He took a shot to the head, so close to actually stopping Julia that her face was sprayed with blood.

"Shit," she whimpered as he crumbled at her feet. She took deep breaths, slow and steady, trying to regain some composure, and make her next move. "I just killed Officer Clemons," she said quietly. "I just killed a man, I'm a murderer." Julia mumbled to herself, almost in disbelief, as she lugged his body out of the front of the store and into the kitchen.

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