Chapter 12

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Jax left earlier than usual and Julia, after the day she had, decided to sleep in for a few hours. When she finally peeled herself out of bed she showered before lazily getting ready for work. On edge, her hands still shaking, she took a few hard drags of what was left of the blunt they shared but didn't quite finish.

"That's better," she sighed with a smile.

Turning, her eyes falling on the tickets she'd given to Jax the night before just sitting on the coffee table, she rolled her eyes. "Part of me thinks you forgot these just to keep me coming back," she smirked.

Taking her time, Julia headed to Charming and straight to TM. She pulled in and, from the office, Gemma was sure to point her out to Wendy.

"That's the woman you saw him with," she said. Flicking open the blinds with her French manicure Gemma pointed to Julia with a judgmental glare. 

"She's cute," Wendy whined.

Gemma pulled a face. "Your tits are bigger."

Wendy scoffed and shook her head. "Jax was pretty clear, Gem. He told me there's nothing between us except Abel."

"Not for long," Gemma hissed. Stepping aside she pointed toward Julia again as she and Jax crouched down in front of Abel.

"Hey buddy," Julia beamed at Abel.

"Abel, this is my friend Jules." Jax spoke in the soft, loving tone he used exclusively with his son. "Say hi."

"Hi," Abel said timidly.

"It's so nice to meet you." Putting her hand up for a high five Julia hissed, pulling her hand back, as Abel slapped his palm against hers. "Ouch! You must have some muscles like your dad." Abel laughed and nodded, proud and excited to have been compared to his father.

Jax smiled and leaned in, whispering to Abel, before standing again. Looking up at Julia, Abel smiled and repeated what Jax had told him. "Thank you for the baseball tickets."

"You're so welcome. I hope you and your dad have fun."

Abel nodded and skipped off toward he swing set leaving Julia and Jax alone save for the few members milling about. 

"Thanks for bringing them by," he said flashing her a smile.

"I did it for Abel," she joked. "He's seriously adorable, Jax, a very sweet little boy."

"Thanks," he smiled proudly as he looked over at his son on the swings. "How are you doin'?" His hand found her waist, pulling her a few inches closer, as his expression turned more serious.

"You and Abel are helping cheer me up and uhh the weed helps too."

Chuckling a little he gave her hip a squeeze. "You okay to sleep alone?" His lips brushed her cheek as he spoke. "I don't mind coming by?" They weren't wary of their proximity, not there at least, the guys all knew it was a secret. The lot was their own turf; they could do what they wanted.

"So, he introduced her, no big deal." Back in the office Wendy was clearly bothered by Abel's smile as he and Julia interacted. She didn't want to see the intimate way they spoke to one another once the child had gone to the swings.

"How long until he has her playing step mommy?" Gemma asked with a harsh tone pushing a lie she knew would only come true if Abel's safety depended on it. "Remember how hard it was to work back in after what happened? How you had to prove yourself?"

"Abel is my son, Gemma." Wendy was horrified by Gemma's implication. "My. Son."

"Biologically," Gemma nodded. "You know Jax, he's a hopeless romantic under the leather and tattoos. He's going to want one happy family and it's going to be so easy to push the junkie out." Lowering her voice, Gemma forced eye contact. "If you won't fight for Jax at least fight for your son."

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