Chapter 42

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"Pope?" Jax's expression was clearly one of surprise as he and Nero chatted in the hall outside Julia's room. A coffee stirrer stuck out from his lips, Jax listened to Nero's retelling. "He was white."

Nero laughed and nodded. "Looks like the Niners are branching out."

"Or he purposely used a white boy to sell in that area," Jax mused.

"To throw us off," Nero nodded in agreement. "I didn't tell your mom."

"Don't," Jax groaned. "She's already too into SAMCRO business."

"How's Julia?" Nero switched gears quickly.

Jax nodded, his smile growing, as he instinctively glanced in the window. "She's good, kind of freaked out."

"I'm sure," he chuckled. "Gemma will be more than enough help."

Rolling his eyes, Jax nodded and the two of them headed back into the room. Julia was smiling, tuning Gemma out as she gazed at Mila in her grandmother's arms.

"Hey Ma," Jax kissed Gemma's cheek. "What do you think?"

"She's gorgeous, Jackson." Gemma said as she cuddled the baby close.

He beamed proudly, "She is."

"That'll be a problem when she's older, huh?" Julia joked. "I'm not sure for who though; her or you, Jax."

"The boys," Nero added with a wink.

"How's Wendy?" Julia asked Nero as Jax and Gemma fussed over Mila.

Nero nodded as he spoke, "She's coming along."

"Good," Julia huffed. "I hate this, being laid up, I'm so antsy."

He smoothed her hair and gave her a sympathetic smile. "Relax, you're a mother now."

"Yeah," she looked at Mila. "A mother. I can't wrap my head around it."

"You better," Gemma said sternly. "She's all that matters now; business can wait."

"Hear that, Jax?" Julia asked bitterly. "Guess you're gonna have to step down as Prez, huh?"

"Yeah," he scoffed. "Sure."

Julia rolled her eyes but didn't push back and when the nurse came to check on her and the baby, Julia sent Mila the nursery.

"I need to sleep," she said sensing Gemma's judgment. "I had a long thirty six hours."

Jax walked Gemma out while Nero said short goodbyes to Julia. Alone her with her thoughts, Julia began to cry, overwhelmed by the rush of hormones and emotions. A call from Mickelson provided her with some much needed distraction.

"Hey," she sniffled. "What's up?"

"How are you feeling? How's the little guy?"

"Girl," Julia laughed. "She's a actually a girl... Surprise!"

"Shit, good luck with that," Mickelson laughed. "You sound shitty."

"I gave birth less than two days ago, man," she sighed. "But thanks."

"Better than the shit we're dealing with," he groaned. Julia could practically hear his eyes rolling back in his head.

"What happened?"

Mickelson assumed Jax would be pissed if he told her what had happened but his loyalty was with Julia, that wasn't a question. So, he told her.

"That dealer, yeah, he was one of Pope's guys," Mickelson explained. "And Pope is pissed."

"Goddamn it," Julia hissed. "Pope pull any shit?"

"Nah, he's just flexing his muscle, talking big and shit."

"What do we do about it?" She asked quietly.

He laughed, "You don't do shit. We'll figure it out."

"Jax and Nero know, don't they?"

"Yep, and I wasn't really supposed to tell you," he sighed. "So keep your fucking mouth shut, Julia."

"Hey, I'm your boss," she tried to sound stern. "Have some fucking respect."

They laughed a bit but when a silence fell over them they both knew what the other was thinking.

"You got a plan, don't you?"

"Maybe," she laughed. "I don't know, though. Gemma was all, 'you're a mom now', earlier."

"And?" He scoffed.

"Do I need to hang it up?" He could hear her voice shaking. "I didn't think this was for me but lately it feels right and I like it."

Mickelson didn't want her to quit, ever, but he wasn't selfish enough to pretend that was the best choice without thinking hard on it.

"You said it, you're the boss," he sighed. "You do what you think is best."

Julia chewed her cheek as she tried to think quickly. "I don't know," she sighed. "What could we even do?"

"Shit, there's tons we could do," he laughed.

"Jax," she inhaled sharply. "He'll be pissed."

"Probably," he said

"Shit," she hissed. "What the fuck do I do?"

"Nothing," he said. "I got an idea. I'll handle it."

"No," she said quickly. "Nothing drastic."

"Then what?"

"Send Pope some shit from the bakery, let him know we're aware, you know? One of those seemingly friendly gestures."

Mickelson smiled, "I like it. I'll have the girl over there handle it."

"Thanks, man," she said as Jax returned. "I gotta go."

"Yep," he laughed. "Congratulations, again."


Holiday week shortie! Xoxo

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