Beep beep beep- "Damn you alarm clock!"

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Alarm clocks.

We all hate them, typically because they obnoxiously scream "WAKE THE HELL UP AND GET YOUR ASS OFF OF THAT COMFY BED!!!"

Figuratively and personifying-ly speaking, of course.

But why must 75% of the stories on wattpad start with alarm clocks? I know we all hate them and stuff, but we also don't need to be reminded as readers about that inanimate form of Satan.

And it's just so unoriginal to the point of me wanting to puke on my computer so I didn't have to see it. Newsflash: it's not that hard to come up with a way to start a story. 

Do we really need to know how a character wakes up with a bed head and morning breath and how they grumble about how their life sucks and then take a shower and go to school or the purgatory or wherever the hell they go?

Just cut to the chase. I really don't need to see more fluff- I already have a big ball of fluff and it's called my stomach.

How about the first paragraph of the story is how this boy or girl bumps into someone and gets food spilled all over him/her like that scene in High School Musical? It'd be way better than the damn alarm clock opening.

It's not the best example, but basically: start the story off originally and at a nice pace.

Exhibit A:


Sigh. I hate waking up in the morning. Turning over in my sancuary, a.k.a my bed, I shut off the annoying ringing. I get up and slip on my bunny slippers with these cute little whiskers on it.

I take a piss, brush my shiny white teeth, take a shower, have breakfast, and I'm off to school.

Booorrrriiinnnggg. What goes through these people's minds when they write this? I was starting to only see the back of my eyelids as I wrote. I was asked to critique so many stories that started like these, and I had to lock myself in my room and scream in a pillow. 

I would do more examples, but I'm just gonna say one word:


Make sure the readers are immersed in the story from the first word. The first effing word. Make them have this hungry desire to read more, to want to personally track you down and bombard you about whether you're updating or not.

On a completely different note, has anyone ever wondered why the only alarm clock sound is 'BEEP BEEP BEEP'?

Why can't it be 'ding a ling' or 'la la la' or 'WAKE UP YOU LAZY SON OF A...!'

Even the freaking tones are cliche and unoriginal.

It makes me want to create an experiment on how many brain cells wattpad writers have on average.

Vote if you're sick and tired of alarm clocks.

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