I'm a Good Girl, you're a Bad Boy. Oh snap.

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One day, an awkward teenager with no life traipsed to the 'what's hot' section and clicked romance (or any genre that applies). The first page is bombarded and abused by cliche bad boy stories. The teenager sighs at what humanity has come to.

^^^ Have you ever done that? Well, if this hasn't happened to you, you'd been living under a rock. A wattpad rock.

Let me tell you something: I hate bad boys. Simple enough. I am a nerd and quite a daffodil, yet I somehow don't find guys who have the IQ of a third grader and does drugs and has done it with half the girls in the planet attractive.

I'm condemned to hell now, aren't I?

So anyway, what I'm trying to say is that these stories are hopeless. Why, you may ask? Here, I'll make a list for you:

1. Do you really think these types of guys care about how you are on the inside? In my school, I'll see a lot of the boys (even the semi decent ones) stare at a girl's ass protruding from her too-short shorts and at a girls boobs, which are half revealed anyway. A lot of guys care about that stuff and that stuff only.

*NOT saying that this applies to all guys. I know guys that actually care about things other than over exposed physical features.*

2. 'I'm neighbors with the bad boy' and 'The bad boy was my best friend and then we stopped being friends until the day I got boobs and lost weight' is way overdone.

Of all the people to be neighboring you, it's the notorious bad boy of the town? Okay... One of my neighbors is a seventy year old psychopath who doesn't know how to use any 21st century equipment. Just saying.

Also, I do realize that during adolescence, teens notice certain physical features and crap like that. But thing is: why, out of every fricking girl going through puberty, would he notice you? Especially if you were 'best friends.' I mean, I can't even imagine being attracted to my best guy friend *shudder*. And you also can't lose weight with a snap of a finger. Trust me.

3. Why does the bad boy always have to be a player? Sure, players aren't exactly the greatest type of people, but he can also get straight A's and be a relatively good person with an addiction to one night stands.

The bad boys I picture in my mind are like the ones in my area. They wear their pants too low, their sneakers are way too expensive, and they always have a pack of cigarettes in their back pockets. They don't have any interest in 'falling in love' or even getting with someone. Unless I'm completely wrong, they don't have mushy and philosophical thoughts in the back of their minds.

And also, don't you love it when these are the stories that get 15 million reads? Don't you love all of the people worshipping mediocre writing because the author is writing what they want to see?

Well I definitely don't love it.


You have a right to write whatever the hell you want, but if you're in the process of making a bad boy- good girl story, think to yourself for a second: Why am I writing this? For myself or for the reads? What do I want readers to get out of this? What do I want to get out of this?

The answer to the last question, unless you just love making cliche stories or unless it's an experiment like a few people have done, is that you want reads and votes. Hell, we all want recognition.

But just write what YOU want to write and worry about the reads later. Kay? Kay.

Vote if you're sick of seeing a million renditions of the same idea.

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