I hate this wattpad book! Yarg!

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Today's rant is about people who have a temerity to make a public service announcement on the café forum hating a wattpad book, and in turn, publicly humiliating the author.

Firstly, I will say that I do poke fun at the fan fictions and cliché stories on this site, as well as some professionally published books (i.e: Twilight), but I never hate on a specific wattpad book and/or the author.

There's a difference between not liking a wattpad book and publicly hating on it and the author. Not liking a book means you're like every other human being and you have an opinion- it's normal, or else we'd all be robots with the same mind. Publicly hating makes you seem pathetic, jealous, and allegedly an attention whore.

Just think about it: you're scrolling through the café like all the other wattpaders with nothing better to do and you see a thread with a title like 'OMG don't you think [insert title of insanely popular wattpad book] is horrible?!?!'. Then for whatever reason, you click on this thread and the first post is a huge essay stating every single reason why that person hates that book and why it doesn't deserve its popularity.

If I was in that situation, I'd raise my eyebrow and mumble, 'seriously?' before either exiting the thread or telling the creator exactly what I think of them (in the most polite way as possible). But since this is the place where I don't have to be polite, I'll say it as how it goes through my mind (before it's filtered by my politeness- yes, I actually have some):

Honestly, posting a hate thread in a public forum where many people who you don't know will see it makes you a pathetic attention whore. You're just hoping that people will agree with you to feel better- primarily because your writing, even if it is better, is not as popular as the author you're publicly humiliating.

It also really pisses me off when some random person (who isn't nearly as popular as said author), says that the author doesn't deserve the popularity. What are you, the God of Wattpad Popularity? When has it ever been up to YOU if people deserve their reads/votes/fans? That just makes you a jealous bitch that people will crinkle their noses at. Random Internet people don't care about your envious bitching. If you don't like something, keep it to yourself. It doesn't affect your life. Don't put down someone else's hard work.

Would you like to be publicly humiliated because of success? Yeah, didn't think so. So treat others as you want to be treated.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2014 ⏰

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