I wanna be famous!!!!

436 38 5

So that's basically the dream of every wattpad writer, right? To be 'famous', or at least get your stories read? Everyone of ya writers should be nodding, because if you don't want to get your writing read, then you wouldn't have put it on a writing website.

So you want to get your stories read? You want people to appreciate your work? Well here are some few simple steps to get that:

Just kidding.

Anything I'd say would be bullshit, because a) I'm not wattpad 'famous,' and b) there aren't concrete steps to getting your work read. It's not some algebra equation. These are real people and the way that they read some stories over others and become more attracted to certain genres/types. I dunno man, I don't take psychology.

But seriously, if you want to be 'out there,' one thing NOT to do is to be an advertising whore. By that I mean posting on other people's message board and spamming their comments with: OMG UR SUCH A GR8 WRITERRR PLS READ MY STORY I WANNA BE FAMOUS!!!! http://wattpad.com/worst-story-in-existence

That is rude beyond comprehension. Imagine someone logging on everyday to see their reads and comments or message board posts increase, but only to advertisements by people who have the temerity to think that they'll actually bother to read it.

Like, even if you ask nicely, just the fact that you're being self centered and an attention whore will NOT gain you readers. What could be acceptable is PM-ing a person who said specifically that they'd take reading requests. I take reading requests and I'm okay with that and ONLY that.

Also, the whole read-for-read vote-for-vote comment-for-comment follow-for-follow is bullshit and ridiculous. Why? Because you're not really getting recognized for being a talented writer, which is what writers want to be acknowledged for.

Yeah, there's always the argument of 'but we're helping each other out!' And I like people helping people. But there's a better way to do this than mindless trade offs? How?

You can read people's stories (especially if the writer is good but not that popular), and voting and commenting FOR FREE just out of the good of your heart! Then that person could be grateful and maybe do something in return! Perhaps you'll become friends, follow each other, read each other's works, and BAM! Not only are you helping each other out, but you're not doing it for vanity.

Basically, if you're nice to people, if you read and follow other nice people, and if you become active in the awesome community, there's a good chance you'll be recognized. Not saying you'll get a million reads on your stories, because I can't promise that. That part is just luck.

So basically, don't think fame comes easy. It takes some work, like everything. But hard work is always rewarded.

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