25th Shot

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25th Shot:

"GO HOME." Her mother said over the phone. She's been persuading her to go home with her daughter for the past two months.

"I can't." she simply answered back then take a glance at her daughter who is quietly sleeping in her bed.

"Why not? And why do you keep insisting your child to that man? If he can't accept the two of you then go back here!" her mother almost shouted and she can imagine how frustrated her mother right now.

Her mom doesn't have any idea how her life became wonderful and meaningful since the day she met Andrae. Three years ago, she was like a bloodthirsty police officer that no one wanted to mess with her. But due to her recklessness, she got shot and got suspended for a month.

It's not like it was the first time that she got herself into danger. Because ever since her teenage life, she was always afraid that one of these days, she'll be found dead. That's why she tried to enjoy her life to the fullest by doing whatever she wanted that will excites her.

But her one month suspension is the longest days of her life because during those times, she went to different countries: France, Japan and Philippines.

There, she met Andrae. He was so nice and protective that for the first time, she felt like she was one of those damsels in distress. Funny but that was what she felt while she was in his arms. What happened to them is like a whirlwind romance. They were compatible with each other to the point that they even made love to his car! Yeah! That was extremely ridiculous and uncomfortable that she thought he can't make it because truth is she was the one who initiated it.

She even thought of having a serious relationship with him but they have agreed to a "no strings attached" relationship. He once told her that he has someone special and still waiting for that special girl.

He doesn't know who she really is but she already finds out who he really is and it really turned her on!

Andrae Knudsen was one of the youngest and hottest bachelors in their countries. He was only 26 when they met but he's already successful in his field. He was an engineer but also managing their canning factory. And to short it all, he's a millionaire. He's so damned rich yet down to earth.

She also came from a very rich family but her parents were not like him. They sometimes do under the table transactions that she almost vomits. Who wouldn't? She was a police officer, a lieutenant to be exact and her parents were like that!

That's why when she met Andrae, she decided to quit her job and started a new life in the Philippines. But it seems that even if she tried harder, she wo'ldn't be able to reach him. He was so near and yet... so far.

Until one day, she found herself pregnant. She doesn't know what to feel. She doesn't know how she will react. And she doesn't know what to do.

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