Party Invitations

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(Author's notes will be in bold) This is my first Homestuck Fanfiction and my first Character x Reader in general so don't judge me if it's bad. I hope you like it! All codes will be normal: [y/n] = your name and so on. You are human and you are in high school. I have not decided a specific age so just pick something that fits. I also decided to use the troll's typing quirk when they speak.

*Be yourself! (That sounded more inspiration than it was supposed to sound)*

You walked into class and found a crowd around the middle of the room. Curious, you push your way to the centre and found Sollux in the middle, handing out what looked to be invitations. A quick glance at the person beside you revealed that he was indeed inviting people to a party at his house this coming weekend.

"Good morning Sollux!" you called cheerfully.

"[y/n]! Ju2t iin tiime! Catch!" he tossed you an envelope marked with your name.

You and Sollux had been friends ever since the trolls had arrived on earth. In fact, you were one of the first to really accept them. "Thanks," you say looking over your invitation. Just then, a voice cut through the excited murmurs of the crowd around me.

"Sollux! Are you glubbin' kiddin' me?"

You turned to find Eridan Ampora glaring at Sollux with his fists clenched. "You knew full wwell that's my wwriggling day and I wwas goin' to invvite people over."

You looked at the date again and found it was indeed his wriggling day, the trolls equivalent of a birthday. You always found wriggling days more special than birthdays as their sweeps were longer than your years and you felt a bit annoyed at Sollux. You knew he'd probably done it on purpose too, Eridan and Sollux had never gotten along for as long as you knew them. Sollux's voice jolted you out of your thoughts.

"Ii don't know what you're talkiing about, Ii just wanted two have 2ome fun, 2eeing a2 the year'2 almost over and all. Be2iide2, I'm not the one cryiing like a grub cause he can't have a party for hii2 wriiggliing day."

Eridan's face became tinted purple, "I wwasn't glubbin' wwhining. You havve wway too many parties as it is!"

Sollux smirked, "Well let2 2ee what the other2 thiink." He turned to the crowd, "Who would rather go two Fii2hdiick'2 party?"

There was some uneasy muttering but no one spoke up. You were just considering saying something when Eridan spoke again. "Come on guys," he said annoyed, "Fef? Kar?"

"Sorry -Eridan, I t)(ink I'll go to Sollux's party instead. Maybe some other time." That was Feferi, you felt a bit sorry for Eridan, it was no secret he used to have a flush crush on the seadweller princess.

"SAME HERE SOLLUX PROMISED TO STOP BUGGING ME IF I WENT TO HIS FUCKING PARTY" That was Karkat, despite him having red blood, highly unusual for trolls, he got along quite well with Eridan who usually respected the Hemospectrum a lot more than other trolls and didn't like hanging out with lowbloods.

Eridan clenched his teeth, "Fine, see if I care. Havve your stupid party, Sol." He stormed away to his seat and you turned to glare at Sollux.

"Really Sollux?" you demanded, "Can't you two go a single day without arguing?"

Sollux shrugged, "He 2tarted iit."

Before you could say anything, the teacher walked in and you hurried over to your seat. You had trouble paying attention for the rest of class as a plan began to form in your head. Once the bell rang for lunch break you hurried over to find Cronus Ampora, Eridan's older brother. you found him talking to a couple girls at his locker so waited until he was done to speak to him.

"Sup!" he said when he saw me, "[y/n] right? I think my brother's mentioned you once or twvice, wvhat can I do for you?"

"Funny that you'd mention your brother because that's who I wanted to talk about. I noticed that his wriggling day was coming up soon but Sollux is throwing a party on that day and I wanted to surprise him to make him feel better. Any ideas?"

Cronus thought about this for a moment, "That's a pretty good idea! He has been acting a bit off lately, maybe this wvill make him feel better. I'm not much good at this stuff but I'm sure you'll think of something." He grabbed a piece of paper from his locker and scribbled down something. "Here, this is the address for our house, I'll try and get out of the house wvith our dad so he doesn't mess anything up. Dualscar can be a bit intimidating."

You grinned at him, "Thanks, Cronus! See you around!"

He winked, " Havwe a nice day. See you later doll."

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