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*You are yourself again*

You slowly come to and look around, you seem to be in a hospital. It was hard to see much from your current position so you try to get up.

As you sit up however, a sharp pain runs up your arm and a wave of nausea hits you forcing you to cry out in pain and sit back down.

"[Y/N]?" You turn your head and notice for the first time someone sitting next to you.

It was none other than Sollux Captor himself, his glasses were missing and his face was stained yellow, had he been crying? For as long as you knew him he'd never cried before.

"What happened?" You asked, wincing at your voice. It sounded scratchy and dry.

"You fell, remember? And II diidn't know what two do 2o II went and found ED. Hiim beeiing a 2eadweller and all that."

"Eridan? Where-" you were cut off by a fit of coughing.

"Careful!" Sollux leapt to his feet and handed you a glass of water which you drank gratefully.

"Don't 2traiin your2elf." Sollux said worriedly as you drank, "You broke your arm and breathed iin a lot of water. You'll bee ok though."

"Where is he?" You asked again, once you had stopped coughing.

"After he 2wam you to the beach, II went over to help. He handed you two me and 2aiid 2omethiing about thii2 beeiing hii2 fault. Then he told me two get you two a ho2piital and left."

You frowned "Oh no, this is my fault really. I was an idiot and I didn't think about how the two of you would feel I was just focused on myself and-" your voice cracked as you began to cry.

"Don't 2ay that, II wa2 the one beeiing an a22. II don't like ED but that'2 no excu2e to get mad at you for beeiing hii2 mate2priite." Said Sollux, putting his arms around you.

The two of you stayed like that for a while until you stopped crying. "Thanks Sollux, I'm sorry for being such a shitty friend." You looked up at him, "If you don't hate me now, would you be my moirail?"

Sollux smiled at you, "II would never hate you, a2 for beeiing your moiiraiil, II thiink that'2 a wonderful iidea."

You nodded and smiled back at him. "When can I leave the hospital?" You ask.

"Well, now that you're awake, the doctor2 can put your arm iin a ca2t and you 2hould bee good two go. II can go get the doctor."

"Yes please." You said and sollux left the room. You tried to sit back up again and this time the room didn't start spinning. You took that as a good sign.

A moment later Sollux came back along with a tall man with glasses who you assumed was the doctor. "Glad to see you're awake [Y/N]." Said the doctor kindly. "How are you feeling?"

"Not too bad, after I drank some water at least. How long have I been out?"

"Not too long, only sicne last night."

You nod, "That's good, Sollux told me my arm was broken?"

"Yes, can you walk? We have the equipment ready in another room."

You get off the bed shakily and manage to hold onto a wall with your good arm. "Yeah, I think so."

"Good, right this way. Watch your step now." You and the doctor slowly made your way to another room and after a while, your arm was securely in a cast.

"You're good to go now. Do be careful with your arm and come back after five weeks so we can see how you're doing."

"Thanks doctor." You and sollux leave the hospital in scilence.

After a while Sollux speaks, "[Y/N], II'm really 2orry. II 2hould have been a better friiend."

"And I shouldn't have ignored you."

"Wiill you forgiive me?"

"If you forgive me too."

"Already done."

More scilence, this time it was you who broke the scilence. "So now what?"

"Now? We get you and fii2hdiick back together."

You looked at him surprised, "I thought you were against that."

"II wa2." He admires, "But now ii'm your moiiraiil and II can 2ee that you wii2h he had 2tayed afer he 2aved you. II can't ju2t let my moiiraiil bee mii2erable now can I?"

"I'm not miserable."

"Liar," Sollux said grinning, "Come on, let's go find ED."

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