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*Be yourself again!*

You walked home slowly, the sun setting behind you. You took your time because the scenery was beautiful here near the ocean. You couldn't believe you fell asleep on Eridan! And, did he call you cute? Your thoughts were a mess but one thing was for sure, you had a great time at his house.

Suddenly you realised something! You'd left your DVD at his house! You facepalmed, stupid! Oh well, no point in going back to ask him now, you could always bring it up at school.


"Hi [y/n]!" you turned around to find Eridan at your locker grinning at you.

"Morning Eridan!" You replied cheerfully.

"I think this is yours." he said handing you your movie.

"Thanks!" you said surprised, "I left it at your place didn't I? Silly me."

He grinned, "Don't wworry about it." He paused as if thinking about something, "Are you free this wweekend? I thought wwe could hang out again."

You nod eagerly, "Sure! Here," you rip out a sheet of paper from your binder and wrote down your address, "Meet me at my house whenever. I have nothing planned for then."

"Great! I havve to go, see you around!"

You smile to yourself as he runs off, he was a very nice person once you got to know him. You smirk as you turn his ring over in your hand, you'd taken it when you handed him the paper, you'd find him at lunch to give it back.

Soon it was lunch time and you headed to the cafeteria to find Eridan, you spotted him immediately, easily recognisable by his tall, lightning bolt horns. You skipped over to him and tap him on the shoulder. "Hi, Eridan!" You say cheerfully.

He turned around and smiled, "Hi [y/n]! Wwant to sit with me?"

You shook your head, "Not today sorry, I just came to return this." You flick him his ring and laugh at his expression, his mouth opening and closing like a fish but now words were coming out.

"Magic," you tell him before running off to find your friends.

You began to hang out with Eridan every weekend and it became sort of a tradition between you two.

As time went on, you started to fall in love with him and he soon became what trolls would call, a flush crush. You never expected him to return your feelings seeing as he was practically royalty but it still made you happy to be hanging out with him.

Unfortunately, Sollux soon found out about how much time you were spending with Eridan and he was not happy about it.


You turn around and wave to Sollux who was walking towards you. "Hey Sol! What's up!"

"What'2 up? You tell me, what'2 up with you 2pendiing all thi2 time with Eridan!"

You frown, "Sollux, what is your problem with Eridan? What is everyone's problem with Eridan?"

"He'2 a 2elf centered jerk who thiink2 he'2 better than everyone el2e."

"That's not true! You guys just never take the time to get to know him! Just because you don't like him doesn't mean I can't hang out with him!" You were yelling at this point and Sollux seemed to have deflated.

"I wa2 ju2t worriied that you were goiing two forget about me and replace me with him." he mumbled, his face tinged yellow with embarrassment.

You sigh, "Sollux, you idiot, I'm not going to stop being your friend cause I spend a lot of time with Eridan. Even though you two don't get along doesn't mean I have to choose one over the other."

He stared at you, "Promi2e?"

You shake your head and pull him into a hug, "You sound like a two year old."

Birthday Surprise (Eridan X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now