Change of Plans

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*You are yourself once again*

Nothing happened for nearly a month and you were starting to seriously doubt what Cronus had told you. That is until you got a text from Eridan.

"Hey [y/n], wwhen you come over this wweekend, instead of meetin' me at my hivve, meet me by the dock. I havve somethin' I wwant to tell you."

Cronus' words came back to you and you wondered if he would ask you out. The last time you got such a vague text was when Sollux asked you out.

That hadn't gone so well and you didn't like to think about it but he seemed to be over it now. This time, would be different, if he was actually going to ask you.

"Sure, same time?" You type back, he responded almost immediately.

"Maybe a bit later than usual, does 8 wwork?"

"Sure," you respond and put your phone away, intrigued. You really hoped this was what you though it was.

*Now you are Eridan!"

Deep breaths, you think to yourself. The week felt like a blur as every free moment of your day had been consumed with thoughts of [y/n].

You finally found the courage to ask her to be your matesprite. You hoped you weren't making a huge mistake.

You ran a comb through your hair then fumbled with your cape. Your hands were shaking as you looked yourself over one last time.

Making sure you weren't forgetting anything, you head down to the dock to get ready. It didnt take as long as expected and you had plenty of time left before [y/n] was due to show up.

Plenty of time to go though every possible worse case scenario in your head. What if she stood you up? What if she said no? You fidgeted with your rings as you waited, counting down the minutes until eight.

*Back to being you*

It was the big night, you kept your hair down and pinned a [f/c] bow in your hair. You wore a plain purple dress the same color as Eridan's cape and black, gladiator sandals.

You walked over to Eridan's hive and headed down the beach to the dock where you found Eridan, sitting at the edge of the water, his back facing you.

Grinning, you crept over to him as quietly as possible and covered his eyes, "Guess who!" You said playfully.

Eridan gasped in surprise then smiled when he recognized your voice, "Hi [y/n]" he says happily, removing your hands.

"Hi Eri," you say grinning as he turns to face you. He stands and pulls you to your feet as well then drops your hands. "So?" You ask rocking back and forth, "You said you wanted to tell me something?"

Eridan sighs and ignores the question, "Followw me." He said and heads off down the beach, you follow, intrigued.

The two of you walk in scilence for a bit and Eridan didn't seem like he was going to talk any time soon. "You arent going to push me in the ocean and run, are you?" You joke, hoping to defuse the tension.

Eridan laughs but it sounds forced, it's hard to tell in the darkness but his face seems to be tinged purple. "No, it's nothin' like that," he assures you.

He pauses for a while, "So, howw havve you been lately?" He asks after a while.

The question catches you off guard and you don't reply right away, "Good?" You say at last, you look around, you can't see his hive anymore and you shiver a bit.

"Are you cold?" Eridan asks, and unclasps his cape when you nod, putting it around you. "Better?" You nod again.

"Where are we going?" You ask after a little more walking.

Eridan smiles, "Somewwhere special." Soon you come upon a cave, it's entrance is covered by a purple curtain.

The two of you head towards it and stop in front of the opening. "This is it," Eridan says, "Fef helped me furnish it." He tells you, trying to make conversation.

"Its nice," you reply, unsure of whether or not he's expecting you to enter first.

"Wwell, let's head in," he says suddenly, answering your question. He pulls open the curtain and you are greeted by a flood of light.

A couch sits in the back, behind a table with two chairs. On the table is a pale blue table cloth and fairy lights decorate the walls, twinkling like stars in the sky.

A picnic basket sits beside the table and you wonder what's inside it. "It's beautiful!" You exclaim, amazed.

"I'm glad you think so," Eridan replies and pulls out one of the chairs, "Take a seat and relax."

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